[Third Post] Sir William Current Status: Assets(5) Power( 3) Production(1) Influence(3) Charm(2) William had been tuning out from the meeting the matters of agriculture did not concern him, but at the mention of his military structure the soldier in him spoke out. "I don't agree with your methods." He said quite bluntly "The commanders of our former kings army were fat and decadent because of their rewards and spoils. They did not care about their soldiers, all they cared about was the extra food and a whore to warm their beds. So your workers would be forced to work grueling hours with slave drivers at their backs so these slave drivers can take food out of their mouth. If you wish i can put the militia to work with the workers, it would give both sides a better understanding of how the other works, but i will not let them lord over them." He said, he was all but yelling by the end of it. [Hider=Vote Casting] William disagrees with the workers guild. [/hider] [Hider=Season One Spending] None [/hider]