Excellent, we have lots of peopl :D Sorry it took a while to post, had a Geography Contolled Assessment. Anyway, to answer Zambza's questions: [quote=Zambza] Sure.About nations, do we choose only ones around Mediterranean or is it just thing everyone is doing? For Barbarians, they could be just 'you need x amount more troops to conquer this land', or real NPC-nations with diplomacy, armies, traders and stuff or 'ghost-nations' from real time-line, i.e. Roman-nation on Italy area. [/quote] Any European civilisation from ancient to Renaissance times, though everyone will start at the same tech level. This could progress after a while. That idea for barbarians is probably the most simple, so I'll probably go with that. The NPC nations will be city states and small nations from history. Now, my idea for trade routes: We could have a resource system where some of the territories on the map have symbols on them, meaning any civilisation that owns that territory will receive that resource every IC page. Trade routes (3 for everyone, possibly 5 in the case of 'commercial' civilisations, see below) could be used to trade this resource with other peoples, including city-states that might sometimes request a certain resources in return for something else. These resources could be used for different units (e.g. wood = battering ram, iron = legionaries etc) and possible fortifications. The number of units will probably be loosely based on a kind of points system, with different ones available if you have different resources (to keep it fairer). I know this restricts freedom somewhat, so I won't be too strict about this. About the 'commercial' thing, I think it would be a good idea for RPers to pick 1 or two traits for their nation. These could be: Seafaring - cheaper naval units Militaristic - cheaper land units Commercial - more trade routes Diplomatic - NPC civs like you more Any others you can think of anyone? Or do you not like the idea?