The fireball exploded violently, causing smoke and flame to blot out his sight of the dragon girl and the caveman, but Arthur could clearly be seen escaping the blast by taking to the air. Another failed attack, this Arthur was no easy target, far from it. With his flame attacks proven ineffective, Gregor had little choice left but to get in close and- Woah! Before the flames were even cleared, the chains were suddenly coming for him. Caught off-guard, he found himself briefly constricted, before being lifted off his feet and sent gliding down the cliff with Adrian. He briefly thrashed in panic, but calmed down upon realizing it was indeed Andrian's doing. It wasn't until landing that he, looking at the soaked fur on his paws, realized why he might have done this. Everyone knows that water is conductive, but Gregor surely wouldn't have realized the hazard until it was too late. "Thank you. He might have killed me." he growled in his wolfish voice, unsuited for speaking human language. He looked up along the cliff. It wasn't too high but would take some extra time to get back up. "The girl, she alone now." he growled, before rapidly beginning his ascend again, though this time making sure to avoid any molten snow.