Now would probably be as good a time as any to let you all know that we will be starting in Mithreal. I normally wouldn't tell you all this next part but whatever it will be good to let you guys get your ideas rolling. The roleplay is going to begin pretty peacefully but on the first post I intend to make sure something seems pretty amiss and then by the end of that post the humans will have already landed. It won't have been violent yet since I want to let everybody use their first post to get the feel of their character and get to the area this is happening at but by my third (or fourth at the most) post it will be full-scale war. I realize this might seem really quick for such a conflict that I intend to be so large scale to pick up, however the beginning is meant to be really bloody and violent. Then shortly after we'll have some time away from the big fights and develop the story further with some plot triggers I've set up. It will basically be following a skeleton of the route I plan on us taking but what happens along the way and how we handle situations and ultimately the outcome of the entire roleplay is going to be up to us as a team to discern. We will be fully capable of winning or losing based on how we handle each event I've planned. I hope it all works well for you guys and you all have fun.