[quote=WilsonTurner] both [/quote] Well, his reason to be heading to Amaryth could affect his travel arrangement and when he gets there. Like take Roan for example: he's been avoiding the roads so not to be discovered and jailed. Lavica looks like she's made a spur of the moment decision which wasn't the best idea and luckily ran into Roan who's ideally someone who would easily tolerate her. :p My suggestion is not to wait too long because it might be harder to interact, best to jump right into there. If you are really wanting interacting I'm sure, if it is alright with Apokalipse, we could have Roan and Lavica wander toward a road meeting your PC? Naturally, with bandits around, as Roan pointed out, a group is better to defend with then individuals and gives a reason enough to travel together. And make Roan nervous. :p