Jarvis Pentaphraxis Stats: Assets 5 / Power 0 / Production 1 / Influence 5 / Charm 5 "Sir William, that is indeed the unfortunate way our militia was handled, and I hope is no longer the case. I reiterate that unlike in a military situation, the Worker's League has a very sturdy baseline on which to see which commanders are pulling their weight. A construction project must be completed, and men under their command kept happy as they do so - those who can walk that fine line deserve the spoils of their position as they continue to perform to our high standards. Twelve hours is a standard work day for a vast majority of those few who in fact have a job at this time for less than what the Worker's League would provide. Spare a moment to speak to them yourself - ask them, is starvation preferable to honest labor? At present, benefits I have proposed are in fact far more generous per work hour than those of any factory you can find. In fact, factories may eventually become forced to improve conditions and pay drastically to remain in competition with the Worker's League for employment." Jarvis paused, considering whether he had removed enough subtlety for this muscled oaf to catch the drift of the matter under discussion. Having been to this point very patient in speech and appearance, Jarvis now slightly narrowed his eyes and added a measured amount of chill to his voice. Looking directly into the man's passionate eyes, he added: "... and with what I hear currently of the state of discipline in our militia, many have come to question whether we have any competent commanders left to teach our, [pause] [i]soldiers[/i] to stand at attention, much less how to handle their weapons. It would not come as a great surprise if a reshuffling of militia leadership were to be not much further down this council's list. I would advise to do the utmost to convince your superiors that we require [b]results[/b], which as of late are less than apparent if we are to continue to invest assets. I expect many young, capable commanders to emerge from the folds of the Worker's League and turn our [i]militia[/i] into a military force to be reckoned with." Jarvis now swept his gaze around the rest of the members, addressing them all. "In times long past, The Councils of Six were always governed by the understanding that the councilman who proposes does not vote on its passing. Three of the remaining five must be agreeable for a measure to pass. As it stands, it up to Master Lanc to tip the scales in favor of one or the other. I believe you will make the correct choice in favor of developing our infrastructure, providing honest labor to the unemployed and training them in all manner of skilled occupation to create the most robust middle class that Dakhen has ever seen." [hider=Season Spending] - Pay our militia, making sure the Sir William hears this, since he neglected to do so (1 asset) - Expand crystpaper manufacture significantly into a factory nearby the keep because reasons, hehehe (2-3 assets) - Donate to the Knighthood of Tallus with a note of appreciation and assurance that they have someone with them in mind on the council (1 asset) [/hider]