Yosuke smiled to himself as he got up and stopped poking Naomi. He loved how he got all up in his face and insulted him. She stood up to him and his douchebaggery, and spit more acid than he ever could. He admired her so much, but was surprised when she questioned his admission to hell. "Well, I don't believe God should be worshiped, all he did was whip up a buncha tools who hate each other. Also I'm an asshole, so I don't think he'd let me into the great playground in the sky." Yosuke said, as he obliged her command to allow her his support as a crutch. He slid under her arm and put his arm around her, grinning like a tool. "How romantic, eh?" Yosuke joked, wriggling his eyebrows "By the way, sorry if I hurt your side when I elbowed you, just wanted a gently nudge. Just don't know my own amazing strength sometimes." He apologized. "So, where we going, commander? That door over there looks like our best bet." He said, pointing to an exit to their left.