Brisa found herself abruptly jarred into paying attention to more than her writing. She was shaken in a manner that made her feel a bit like a rag doll. It wasn’t that bad really, but her teeth did clack together. She looked up into Aruguios’ face and tried not to shy away. He did make her nervous, but in the grand scheme of things most people made her uncomfortable. She was always afraid they were judging her. She was afraid she would have to get over that. Might as well start now. Plus the appearance of Kaya around the corner helped her feel more at ease. “No” she said, her voice very empty. “I’m not really all right.” She gestured behind Argurios to indicate what was bothering her, it was plane he hadn’t seen the grisly display yet. “I’ve never seen writing like that before” she said “so I was trying to copy it down. I’m hoping that some way or some how I can use the writing to figure out who killed them. Some one has to be able to read this gibberish right?” Autry would get mad at me if I didn’t pay attention just because its too much to look at. She said I had to think clearly at all times, if I couldn’t learn that I’d never be any good at..” She trailed off and shut up. “I gotta learn to focus I guess.” She snuffled a bit fighting back tears when her eyes were drawn back to Autry it hurt to see her hanging there like that. “I wish we could get ‘em down and burry them or something. I just aint strong enough myself. Would you help me?” “We don’t need to dig a grave…we can put them in the butcher’s cellar. Its very cold there and we can lock it from outside. Nothing will get them and they can, I don’t know, rest. It just seems wrong somehow to leave them hanging there.” “And I should find Dakin and tell him. Dorn was, well I need to tell him.” She folded up her paper careful not to smudge the writing. Carefully she placed it inside the cover of her spell book and carefully placed the book back in its wrapping back in the bag. Then she stood, squared her shoulders and looked at the other two. “After we I get that done” she said softly “I’m gonna try and find what did this.”