[img=http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/236x/fc/50/48/fc5048507838e8eb784ee369c15ac0e0.jpg] Name: Ace Spades Age: 17 Role: A student as well as the man to see for a game, whether football, a fight, a race, or illegal gambling trade he runs, he will always take a bet and always pays the due. Short Bio: A skilled gambler and a bit of a loose canon, wields razor blade cards and other variants. He arrived at the school his freshman year and ever since has been trouble. Often he use's his powers to make money only to throw it right back in to the betting pool yet almost never loose's yet never cheats... Well at least not at card games. No one seems to know where the heck his family is, some claims his the son of a demon. Notable skills and powers: The power of luck: He can use his deck of cards to predict the future, though not always the future to come and often use's it to change it round some to. He can also affects the odds of something changing 50 50 to 75 25. Trickster extraordinaire: Can throw cards with extreme skills and has a variety of cards that work as weapons and a dice grenades. Can also move extremely fast and loves card tricks. Inexhaustible funds: No matter what the price he always seem to be able to pay for it, yet never use's the money for anything lavish. Other: He may have sold his soul to someone for his power or perhaps he inherited the power?