Sarah looked at that gourd. It was rather large to be certain. This caused her to think. Gourd's were a classification of plant used by ancient societies for all manner of uses. Their hard rinds made for excellent containers and included everything from waterskins to wax for candles. If she remembered correctly the Japanese preferred to put their sake in such containers. "There's no way that's a real gourd," Sarah said bluntly, without realizing what she was saying could be construed as offensive, "They simply don't grow that big, not in real life. It's gotta be paper mache or som-" Blushing, her cheeks reddening beneath the corpse-like pallor, she quickly rose and adjusted first the golden wig that covered her brown hair and then checked the plastic dagger glued to her forehead. She turned and met the eyes of the lad dressed as Matt Smith's doctor. "Errr... I'm Sarah by the way," she greeted the one calling himself David who she instantly recognized as the Doctor without needing be told. She made eye contact with him, her rheumy contacts obscuring her eyes, "but today... err.. apparently I'm a dead sorceress wench."