As soon as she saw the damage coming towards them, Fern cast Focused Shield on as many people as she could, then had to heal herself. It was almost a waste, as she had barely protected anyone, and even then many of her guild were hurting badly. Fern was about to cast another healing skill, hoping to keep them alive longer when she noticed some of the vehicles breaking off and heading towards the hall. It was stupid really, to start taking off after them. She couldn't fight, but how was she supposed to just let them destroy everything? It was this feeling of desperation that had her voice raised as she called back to this so-called Arms Slave. "WHY? Why are you doing this? What good does this do? To destroy everything? Do you find it fun? Is that why you're working for the Black King? Because you obviously know nothing of loyalty! If you did, you would realize that it doesn't matter what you take from us, the Fanged Rangers will never, NEVER join the Strykers. Even if you destroy us all, we'll bounce back." [b]"Fun? Yeah, this is pretty damn fun! Don't you think? This is a game of death! People die, we kill, and our ability to do that is what lets us find our place in this world! So what about your, Tender Fern!? Do you think your deaths is any fun? Your struggle? Even if you and all the guilds came to defeat me now, you know what's going to happen? The same thing tommorow! Constant strife and warfare! I know you don't want that, not for your guild members! But even if it's not the Black Guild, it would have been someone else. Outlaws, another guild, everyone would have picked on you! I'm not only cutting to the chase, but I'm also giving you a chance to change things. Join the Ebony Stykers and we'll make sure that you get the power you deserve. But if you keep fighting, we'll just wipe you off the face of Deep Ground!"[/b] Arms Slave was blazing towards the guild hall with Kill Dozer and Iron Maiden in tow. He got a message from the sentries of sighting of Carnage Liberated, a rogue level 9 player, Stalwart Bruiser the White King, Eclipsed Tower a rogue brawler, and a bunch of others. Seemed like the other kings did ally with each other to fight the Black Guild, and in turn, Arms Slave. [i]"Heh, fine with me. Saves me the troubling of finding them! Wait... I think I used this like already. Shit."[/i] It was only going to be a matter of time before they would show up, and even with his Mayhem Riders Arms Slave was going to get overwhelmed by the sheer power of the kings alone. So he had to make sure everything was reduced to rubble soon. He was going to have to force an ultimatum. [b]"Looks like your fellow kings already made a choice for you! But it's not too late to save your precious city! Fight with my Mayhem Riders, or be buried underneath the ashes of your fallen!"[/b] Tender Fern almost couldn't believe her ears. He thought just because someone else might have attacked them, it was alright to do so? First off, the Fanged Rangers tried very hard to stay out of conflict so that they [i]wouldn't[/i] be attacked, and it had worked pretty well so far. This had [i]never[/i] happened before. So how on earth could he really use that as his reasoning? And why did Fern have this feeling that even if she decided to join the Strykers, Arms Slave was still going to destroy everything here? And yet he was right. There was no way that she and the Fanged Rangers could win. If she did not join him, they would all be destroyed. And then she heard a voice speaking to her. The Red King. She was on her way along with healers. There was a streak of blue in the corner of her vision. Another King. White was there too. It seemed that anyone in the area that had seen or heard about the attack had shown up and was wanting to help the Rangers. As a guild that had stayed out of conflict for so long, it was amazing to Fern that they finally had others to help in the fight. The Kings had been true to their word and that meant that she also had to follow their agreement. It killed her to look around at her city being destroyed, but that did not mean she was going to back down from her earlier words. As she'd said, they could take her city, her guild hall, her home, but that didn't matter because even without it, she still had her Rangers. He could defeat them all, that was true, but they would come back. Every single one of them. Her guild was something he could not destroy no matter how much he thought he could. "I won't help you! I have a promise to uphold, and that is to destroy you, the Strykers, and the Black King! There isn't anything you could do that will make me help you to destroy the other Kings. Even if I thought you would truly stop this, I wouldn't fight them. You and your army are the ones who need to be stopped, not us! Not them! So do your worst, but don't be surprised when the Rangers come back for revenge." The words almost had her cringing. Fern never wanted to hurt another even in this game, but things were going too far, and there would be no stopping her and the others from avenging their home. [b]"Hah! I like that fighting spirit! Well, at least that's one objective complete. Now we know that you are our enemy!"[/b] Just than, the Red King showed up. Against any logic, she decided to stand in front of his war machine, firing high powered rounds point blank into his vehiciles. They packed a bit of a punch... But it barely took off a tenth of the war machine's total health. But now she was about to get steam rolled, and if she had any plans to escape Arms Slave had something to say against that. [b]"Demon Gladiator, take the wheel!"[/b] Arms Slave was launched out of the war machine, standing more or less on the front of the top of the war machine. He fired off two Chain Catches at the Red King, to ensure that she doesn't escape getting crushed underneath the war machine. --- At the artilary peices, the Blue King's assassinations did not go unnoticed. When they saw a few of the weapons not firing, they sent in counter assassins to smell out the Blue king. three level six assassins quickly used their own anti-stealth measures to find him, and point him out to the other members of the Mayhem Riders. Soon two level five tanks zero in on the Blue King as the assassins fought with a pistol/knife combo, shooting at the blue king with auto attacks while also ready for him to try to stealth his way out. A healer was on standby in his etherial form to get ready to ressurect, and a few more healers showed up to revive the ones the blue king killed. --- Carnage Liberated was soon intercepted by a couple of low level Scarlet Harley members. Except... They were also Sweepers. They tried to be friendly, stopping him only to ask if he was going to help them. And yet, they had their weapons out and many had their skills ready to be activated. If Carnage Liberated attacked, so would they. --- Gun shots and explosions peppered the area around Eclipse Tower. A bunch of level 8 outlaws had spotted him running into the Green City, and they figured it would be great fun to get in his way instead of focusing on their mission. They drove in armored and weaponized hummers, firing their machineguns in his path so that he would run into the bullets. A few others had chain-weapons, which they aimed at his legs to trip him up. --- For the White King, he had a very special guest. A person driving a war machine called "Scythe". The reason why? Because it was a fast moving, heavily armored car with no ranged weapons. Except a lot of hooked blades that took advantage of slashing opponents going a hundred miles per hour. It was zooming strait towards the White King, it's many sickle blades hungry to slash him into ribbons. There were also a few other vehiciles backing up the Scythe, more standard tanks that fired large explosive shells at the White King on the off chance that they could kill him with the twenty-foot blast radius, and additional shrapenal. --- All the while, even as the Mayhem Riders were slowly losing their numbers, the Fanged Rangers were faring much worse, and eventually the only place that was standing was their guild hall. And than Kill Dozer and Iron Maiden drove up. "Alright, you heard the boss! This place burns down!" twenty players, each at least above level 5, rushed out of the veichiles and began to tear down the guild hall. Kill Dozer and Iron Maiden stayed inside their war machines, using their weapons to punch holes into the guild hall. It'll take them about five minutes or so to raze the place to the ground if they aren't stopped. --- In the distance, at the Black City, Dark Wraith arrived.