[hider=The Real World][center][b][u]Student President Yoshino Tsugumi[/b][/center][/u] Yoshino took a mere few steps before being halted by a familiar face. A small smile of confidence formed as she glanced over at Retsu Goroshi. Since the passage of one month, the other student had been seen with the President in public to the point that the majority of Purple Crown had labeled her a sort of deputy for Yoshino. In short, Retsu was to Yoshino what the other girl was to the Black King. Funny how that worked out. "Right then. Let's get to it." Yoshino took the easiest and shortest route back towards her office, making sure to direct her gaze away from any watching students. God did she hate their stares...it took some time, but the two girls finally reached the safety and privacy of her Student Office. Yoshino made sure to close the door securely behind her before taking a seat in her familiar chair, hands clasped over each other. Her sorrow had apparently vanished over that short time frame. "Now then. Anything to report? Or are you here to ask for orders?" Retsu flipped her hair over her shoulders and had her arms crossed. [b]"Nothing particular surprising. I just received a message that a small conflict has occured in the Fanged Ranger terrority shortly after your speech. It looks like most of the colored kings have converged there, and from the message board, it seems that everyone has allied to wage war against the Ebony Strykers. Just as Moon Rider intended."[/b] Yoshino raised an eyebrow at that. An expression of initial surprise followed shortly by a smirk. "I see. If all of our lovely friends are gathered in one place, then perhaps we should greet them as so. I want Dark Wraith to tamper with the system and make sure that the Kings all receive a message simultaneously. Tell them that the Black King will withdraw her forces if they surrender now. Of course, regardless of their answer, I want you to send a second battalion and await for command." Retsu nodded her head, but kept getting updates on the battle. Retsu felt it would be best to ensure the president was getting a clear picture of what was going on. [b]"It would seem that the leader of the attack has already attempted to parley with the guilds... They are not interested."[/b] Retsu double checked this fact. While it was clear that it was the Fanged Rangers that the war party attacked, there was so much resistance from the other guild that Retsu figured it would be most likely that an offer of alliance would be refused. [b]"Then again, the Fanged Rangers were the ones who this offered was made towards. Currently the war leader is fighting off other guilds, which will likely cease negotiations if he's to be defeated. Let's see... Ah. It's Arms Slave. Yes, I'd imagine that he is as good as dead. There has been sightings of the Blue King, White King, various Level 9 solo players, the presence of the Green King... Hmm."[/b] Retsu continued to read the the information she was getting, and she was starting to get a clearer picture as well. While Retsu did not like that Arms Slave was so quick to wage war, she could make use of this. [b]"From his battle tactics, the negotiations are either a ruse or a secondary objective. It appears that they aim for total destruction of all the buildings within the Green City. I expect that he plans to force the Green Guild to merge with the Ebony Strykers for save haven, or merge with another guild in order to narrow down the amount of opposing organizations against us. But with the other guilds backing the Fanged Rangers, even if this attacking force succeeds in the total destruction of the Green City, the other guilds may spend their resources reconstructing the damage lost. If I may suggest, I could rely orders to others to... Salt the land."[/b] The President fiddled with her glasses and she began to process the next route of action. "Is that so? I suppose then we'll continue our war efforts. As for your suggestion, I can tell you that Moon Rider approves of the current course of action. Still, with a fair majority of the Colored Kings having fled to the Fanged Ranger's aid, I think it's safe to assume that some sort of alliance has been formed against us." [b]"Indeed, they announced it on the forums."[/b] Yoshino narrowed her eyes at the comment. To be fair, when had the Ebony Strykers been known to interact with the...well, the world? Let alone check the forums; simply one more task she would have to assign Retsu, assuming the other girl had already taken that responsibility as well. "If that's the case, then any notion of diplomacy is gone. Fine then. A good war will do them good. Order Arms Slave to continue his siege and send in that second battalion as well. Either corner the Rangers into joining us or make so it that they can never have their territory again; frankly, it doesn't matter to me how he goes about it. Be sure to also spare enough Players to defend our own Guild. We will not suffer an attack from within or behind," she said with finally. The subject of battle now over, Yoshino sought to move on to other subjects that needed addressing. "How's the progress on your search for the King killer? It's bad enough my client is being framed as a mass murderer at all times," she said with annoyance. Adjusting her glasses Retsu nodded her head at Yoshino's thoughts on the battle and continued on with her report about the Dead Kings, as Retsu categorized it. [b]"Initially I suspected that Corpse Collector had some connection to their deaths, however upon further investigation the player herself had no tangible connection to their deaths. However, Corpse Collector was a highly proficcent hacker, and after aquiring her personal computer, we did find that she had planted software within the Deep Ground systems in order to manipulate it as much as she did. We have since than removed the bug and ensured that her methods will no longer work on the system, but we also learned that the means that she uses to alter the programming of Deep Ground is... Archaic in a sense. Impressive, but it relied on taking advantage of older scripts within Deep Ground, using th bug to ensure that the patches that were applied later would not sever her connection."[/b] Clearing her throat, Retsu had figured that Yoshino might not want to be bored with Retsu's simplified tech talk, so she got to the point. [b]"I'm afraid that the trail is still cold. I do suspect however, that Corpse Collector's hacking ability was not actually her own, and that we may have to deal with more like her in the future, but far better skilled. I have no solid evidence so far, but I have reason to believe that if we can discover where she attained the means to hack into Deep Ground, we may find other trails that could lead us to the king's murderers. It's far too coincidental that four kings of Deep Ground would have been murdered, and tha-"[/b] Just then, there was a knock at the door. Retsu was quiet for a moment before she looked at Yoshino. She nodded, and Retsu went to open the door. Aaron's passive face took on a sullen tone as the door opened, but the person who opened it was not the person he'd come to see. Instead of the Student President, a red-haired girl stood there. Aaron nodded to her and then to Tsugumi who was also in her office. "I'm sorry for interrupting," he said. "I didn't know you had company. I can wait outside until you're done." "No it's quite alright," Yoshino said, beckoning him in further with the utmost confidence. "You are....Aaron, right? Sorry if I forget your surname," she said with a sigh. It should be no surprise that she knew him on a first name basis. In fact, she knew pretty much everyone in that manner, as Purple Crown's policy for the Student President demanded that she memorize each student's name, or at least attempt to do so. Just another display of her sheer fortitude. That, and proof she was the only one crazy enough to willingly accept the position and abide by such rules. "Now then, do you need something Aaron-san?" The boy's eyes shifted uncertainly between the two girls in the room. He walked inside, but just barely, not enough to put the red-haired girl behind him. "Um, I just wanted to speak with you about, um, certain things," he said, his words sounding cautious. His eyes dodged over to the second girl again, making it clear that he hadn't expected to have an audience when he'd come to see the Student President. Retsu narrowed her eyes at the boy who entered. Aaron Carther, the Orange King. Retsu had no doubts what he wanted; he wanted to know what the Black King's intentions were, or perhaps to rely a message. Retsu did not want to leave Yoshino alone with a King, least of all the one who leads one of the few guilds who have some of their former power still in check. The smile from before made itself known again on Yoshino's face, and she couldn't help but become amused at his flustered state. "Alright then. Can you leave us for now Retsu? It seems I have to speak in private for now." Even as she said this, the look she gave to the red-headed girl was indirect at best, though easy to interpret for one who had worked with the President for so long. Wait by the door. Keep a grip on the handle just in case. Search him if possible and report back immediately. Years of being paranoid and closing off the Black Guild's gates had done her wonders. Retsu shot Yoshino a quick glance. Perhaps it was simply because Retsu was used to handling these matters herself, but she did not like the idea that Yoshino wanted to speak to Aaron in private. Granted, Retsu would... Get a summary of the conversation somehow, but still, she'd perfer to be present. But this wasn't the time to fight about it. Retsu simply nodded her head and went towards the door. She closed it behind her and stayed near by, noting that another office space new the hall was open and had some people inside. People who, if Retsu remembered correctly, had very little to do in the adminsistrative area of the school. Seems like Retsu wasn't the only one who planted spies. The Orange King let out a held breath as the girl left. Now his gaze stopped darting around the room like a nervous schoolboy's. He stared right into Yoshino's amber eyes. "I assume you are able to convey everything I say to the Black King, yes?" He asked her with a confidence that came from a different person than the one he had been playing. Upon facing direct eye-contact, it took all of Yoshino's will power not to flinch away. Damnit...that was too close. "Yes," she answered, the kind Student President now having been replaced with the Black King's voice and will. "Seeing as you are the new Orange King, I can only assume that you want answers concerning the previous one's death? I'm afraid we are both as clueless as you are. Is there anything else you'd like to discuss?" For good measure, she raised her hand up and fidgeted with her glasses to adjust them slightly. Aaron's emotionless face might have well have been carved of stone when Yoshino mentioned the previous Orange King. He would have to work on that. "Yes, I do want those answers, but that's not why I'm here today," he said to her. He then took a few steps towards the window. "The Black King must be enjoying herself right now, wouldn't you say? I bet she's loving this." Yoshino shrugged in response. "What my client does is her business," she said flatly. "I simply follow the rules. It's kinda my job here." "Just think about it though," Aaron was staring at the sky outside instead of at Yoshino. "The Ebony Strykers open up for recruitment and immediately after the biggest threats to the Black King just up and get themselves murdered. Garth, the previous Orange King, would have stirred up too much trouble for ol' Blackie. There was no predicting what that psycho Red King, Ariel, would do, so she had to go. I'm not sure about the Green King, Michael I think was him, but obviously there was some mark against him for reasons I can't even begin to guess at. Oh, and that last one... what was her name?" Aaron smirked slightly as if a thought had just come to him. "Oh yes, Haruka." The Orange King turned to look at Yoshino again. "I apologize for bringing that up, esecially since the white bitch went and died right there next to you." "....is there a point to this?" Yoshino was much too agitated to let her phobia get in the way now as Aaron began to repeatedly look down upon the lives of the previous Kings. The previous [i]dead[/i] Kings. But to insult Haruka... Yoshino wanted to scream. To rise up and strangle this pompous little brat who knew nothing about his predecessor's lives. Yes they had been her enemies-and perhaps even allies at one point-but Yoshino had always gave them the respect they deserved. This was just filthy. "There is a reason why my client despises your Guild," she hissed. She had to keep in control. She knew full well he was baiting her, waiting for her to slip-up and be the first one to strike out. "The Orange Guild...always instigating and causing needless trouble. While I am still Student President of this Academy, I will not tolerate such insults to the dead. And...don't you [i]ever[/i] speak of Haruka in that manner again. If you're quite done Aaron-san, then I suggest you leave. Obviously you seek to only bring more strife with no real purpose. At least next time, find a better excuse to see me; otherwise, don't waste my time or my client's." Just than the doors opened, with Retsu and a large, brawny girl. Yoshino would recognze her as Noel. The very large, burly girl who would out mass even the manliest of Avatars. She just happened to chance by Retsu to rely some information about what was going in in Deep Ground, but Retsu decided to make good use of Noel's rather ostentatious bulk. [b]"That is not a suggestion. Please leave immediately, or you will be removed physically."[/b] Noel than reached behind her and revealed that she had a coil of metal chain, making her intentions rather clear. Aaron gave the behemoth a good-natured grin and nodded again to the red-haired girl before turning on his heel and speaking to Yoshino again. He spread his arms to either side to frame Noel and Retsu behind him. "If your client hates me so much, why not just kill me? That didn't seem to be a problem with the last batch." He spun again with a choked laugh and walked between the Student President's two henchmen. "And tell the Black King to not leave her trash where she walks next time, it tends to leave a smell in the room." Retsu kept her eyes on Noel. Mostly because she knew if she didn't, Noel would have simply lashed out at Aaron. As antagonistic as he was, it wouldn't do them any good attacking him. Not yet. These things required... Preparation. Retsu didn't give Aaraon a pleasure of an answer however and allowed him to leave the room with his questions to himself. Once he was gone, Retsu motioned for Noel to leave, closing the door behind her. She would stand guard outside with the others, and even without Retsu's command when to clear out the other rooms of potential eaves droppers. Once the two girls were alone again, Retsu simply sighed. She looked at Yoshino to try to get a read on her expression, but she had her "King Face" up. It was a familiar face to Retsu, usually something she see's whenever she steps to close to trying to overrule Yoshino's commands. But it also meant that Yoshino was purposely putting up a facade, which may be what Aaron wanted to see. Retsu allowed a few moments of silence to pass before she spoke. [b]"He will get what is coming... But now we will have to be careful. He suspects that the Black King will seek vengeance against the Orange Guild immediately, dividing out forces to attack him. But much like Aaron, their power relies that we show our hands prematurely. So far the Orange Guild has not arrived to the battle, likely waiting for the other guilds to weaken our advance forces first before he and his guild will arrive to attack while we are weakened. I have already sent orders to some of the other Erasers to begin to mount their own offensive, however I suspect that this skirmish may be for naught. To that end, I would like your permission to... Take advantage of my talents."[/b] Retsu was not merely speaking about her connection to the Sweepers or her abilities as Dark Wraith. Rather, Retsu wanted Yoshino to know if it would be okay if Retsu used some of her programming skills and her own backdoor into the Deep Ground system to tip the battle in their favor. It wasn't really important enough to warrent the use, but Retsu wanted to know if Yoshino wanted this to happen. After all, she heard everything Aaron said, and Retsu had no compulsion in using her hacks if it made her feel a bit better. Yoshino pondered Retsu's request, the implications running in her head. A few moments was good enough for her to mentally calm down; she had to if she was to return back to a functioning order. "Go right ahead," she said, an edge still present in her voice. Aaron's words still buzzed in her mind to a degree. "I'm already aware of your skills, so I won't ask you make sure to cover your traces. That much should be self-evident. I want this battle ended now. However...do it in a way that sends a clear message to our enemies. I want you to make them fear the game itself," she said ominously, letting Dark Wraith's imagination fill in the gaps. "As they rightfully should," she added, with a bitter note in her voice. Retsu simply bowed her head at Yoshino, feeling that there was no need to say anything else. But as she went to the door, Retsu paused. Though she personally had no feelings about the death of the kings, she knew that there was an immense burden on Yoshino, not only as the school president and face of Moon Rider, but due to her personal connections to some of the fallen kings. Retsu may have been the type to disregard such things, but she wasn't so callous to expect Yoshino to do the same. So before she left, Retsu turned around to the school president. [b]"Prez - No, Tsgumi-San. I can't say I know what you're going through, but know that we're not just members of the same guild. I came to you first because I wanted to help you. And I still do. You do not have to do this alone, so please, rely on me too. For Deep Ground... For here... I will help you with whatever I can, and try anything for what I can't. So... Is there anything you want to talk about?"[/b] Retsu stepped away from the door and pulled up a seat at Yoshino's desk. She didn't sit down immediately, but she wanted to show the president that she would be willing to take some time to talk with her. Yoshino blinked in surprise at the sudden act of understanding. She had fully expected the other girl to leave her be as always, letting her contemplate her thoughts alone and in peace. So it was to her great shock that Retsu not only offered to listen but also took the liberty of pulling up a chair as well. For a minute or so, Yoshino simply stared at her in disbelief, too startled to worry about her phobia. She had never really allowed herself to interact with the other members of the Student Council, always politely denying hangouts in favor of work or Deep Ground. In fact, the only one who had ever bothered her and forced her out of her office was- "Haruka," she murmured unconsciously, not caring in the slightest that Retsu was witnessing a rarely shown side of the President. The weak side as Yoshino liked to refer to it. "Heh...sorry about spacing out like that. It's just...Haruka, I mean, White Terror, used to do just that. She'd just sit down and...listen to me." Retsu couldn't help but to break a small smile. A feature that was really shown on her face even as a baby, but despite how rare it was, it looked... Fitting. On Retsu's face. It was a small one, but it was still notably unique. [b]"I... I'm sorry for your lost, if that means anything to you. I know it has some meaning to me too. I hate to see you like this, Tsgumi-san. And I don't want to stand idly by and let you suffer in silence. So..."[/b] Retsu awkwardly took a seat. Such a basic act, one that she does often enough, but to sit down to simply chat about things with a stranger, least of all Yoshino, seemed harder than when she saw her simply as the spokesperson of Moon Rider. Somehow while Retsu didn't fear Yoshino's power, she was much more weak against Yoshino's softer side. Once she got herself comfortable Retsu leaned onto the desk so she could better hear Yoshino. [b]"What do you want to talk about, Tsgumi-san?"[/b] "Talk? Yes...that's right...I want to...I suppose...I-I guess..." The Student President clenched and unclenched her fists, taking shallow breathes to calm herself down. She had been wearing Moon Rider's mask for so long, it was often difficult for her to discard that other identity. "You've probably figured this out Retsu, but I'm not exactly the friendly type. I mean, power often comes with loneliness, right? And Haruka...well I guess you could say she was my only friend. Sure that Orange bastard ruined things for a while, but we made up. That's...that's why she died in my dorm. We vowed to work together again. She wasn't bluffing when she said she'd merge the Ivory Masks with my Guild. She said she'd help...she promised and...a-and..." Gritting her teeth, Yoshino glared at the other girl with pools of tears forming in her amber eyes. "And then she died! Like all the rest Retsu! She didn't die like a hero, or a villain, or even a criminal! She just stopped living one night and that was that! All of them did! She said she'd never leave! And that....i-it hurts....it hurts alot...but this school...this world won't tolerate me being hurt...studious me can't get hurt...so I ignore it. Just like I ignore this stupid phobia I have...it's funny...did you know I have Scopophobia? All this time...and no one even notices...heh, imagine that? Haruka understood...she..." Yoshino said no more, simply staring at the table now with half-tears trailing her cheeks. "Do I look weak to you now? Pathetic? Are you surprised that your Black King is only a weak little girl?" Retsu kept her mouth shut and listened to Yoshino. Quickly Yoshino's mask as the Black King, or even the school president, crumpled to it's base components. She was just a teenage girl who has to make a lot of tough decisions, have lots of enemies, and forced to forfeit luxuries just to look like the epitome of strength. For some, seeing this side of Yoshino was a disgrace. After all, who would want the hardest, most badass player of Deep Ground to just be another emotional girl? But to Retsu, it told her that her leader wasn't just another cog in the machine, or at least, one that, like Retsu, was forced into a position that she didn't like but did well in. And while the red-haired girl wasn't really much of a consoler, she pulled out a handkerchieffor Yoshino. It was a soft black piece of cloth with Retsu's name written in kanji. She had a few of these that she'd keep just to keep herself clean, and this would be the first time she'd be handing it to someone else. When Yoshino asked what she thought about her now, seeing Yoshino outside of her facade, Retsu thought about her words. [b]"No... I am not surprised. It... It is almost expected. Everyone has built this image that you... The Black King... Is a heartless monster. Someone who would really consider killing others simply for a game like Deep Ground. They think you are the biggest threat to the world and the game, and have willingly turned you into the enemy to justify their own ends. However... That's how others may think. As for me I'm rather glad to see that their words are just lies. How easy it is for everyone to beleive things are as simply as... Black and White, evil against good. I hate how basic those things are. And I'm glad that there's more to you than that. So... Please. Continue. I want to know more about you. Not about Moon Rider, or the school president. I want to know who Tsgumi-san is."[/b] "About...me? Retsu...I take it back. All of it. You're [i]exactly[/i] just like Haruka." She said this with a small smile, taking the black-clothed handkerchief within her hand. She quickly dabbed her eyes with the cloth before trying to regain her old confidence. "I see. I...I can't exactly describe how much Haruka meant to me. She was my only friend, and while I appreciate the offer to talk Retsu, I know there are far more important matters to settle here. But..." A pause. "I would...I would like to talk later. Sooner if possible. Once the current battle's over, then maybe we can converse? And...one more thing. I...I would like us to become...friends as well. If that's fine with you of course." Yoshino Tsugumi. Always receding back into her shell. But she had made an effort, didn't she? She would talk when she wanted to, and she knew Retsu respected that. "I...Haruka and I actually shared the same goals you know? We just went about it different ways. That's another reason why we made up. I...I want to carry on that vision we both had. And...I'd like to share that vision with you too Retsu. Yes...I'd like that alot." Retsu wanted to keep fighting to keep her emotions in check. She wasn't about to break what she's built up for so long, just for this one moment. She didn't plan to let herself go so easily. Yoshino might be a broken bird, a perfect doll hiding her flaws, but Retsu aimed to make sure she could always keep herself in control. So with that in mind, Retsu stood up and walked over to Yoshino, and hugged her around her shoulders. It was an intended action fueled by her desire to comfort and show Yoshino her care. The next words that came out of Retsu was hard for her to say, full of suttering and pauses. [b]"I... I don't know if... Um... I can't... Ever compare to Hakura... I don't think I can ever be like her... For you... But I want to be able to be me for you instead."[/b] The Student President gasped at the sudden action of affection but did not struggle against it. Instead, she listened closely to Retsu's words in silence. Retsu squeeze a little bit tighter before letting go. She began to turn and walk away, but stopped halfway in the office to clarify what she tried to say. [b]"I don't want to replace Hakura. She's gone and... And I know how much that hurts. I can never replace Hakura in your heart. But maybe, just maybe, I could find my own place. A place with you where I can be... Myself. And... I'd like to - No. I would love to be friends with you... Tsgu... Yoshino-Chan."[/b] "You...Retsu I..." Yoshino smiled now, the wisdom of being a King now returning to her eyes. "Yes. I know you will. And you're right. You're not Haruka. You will never amount to Haruka to me....that's because you're Retsu. Retsu Goroshi...and I wouldn't have it any other way." It would be hard. It would always be hard. Haruka might always haunt her mind...but the White Terror was never one to dwell on the past herself, now was she? No. In fact, she would have told Yoshino to get over it already. The President sighed. That was so like her...and now she would carry on those two wills, hers and Haruka's. With a knowing smile, she closed her eyes and rested her chin over her hands. Right then. Back to work as always. Retsu left Yoshino's office with a smile on her face. It was strange, yet soothing for her. Even Noel couldn't make out the feeling she was having seeing her boss so happy, but she felt that it was harmless enough to keep quiet. Retsu, Noel, and a couple of other students, other members of her Sweepers and private enforcers, walked alongside her as she headed home. [b]"Alright everyone, let's hurry. We have a war to win."[/b] --- [u][center][b]Welcome, Dark Wraith[/center][/b][/u] Dark Wraith stood in the Black City castle. It was bustling with activity, and when Dark Wraith showed up everyone was at attention. Her smile had faded into a stern expression, knowing what she had to do. [b]"Dosh King!"[/b] Soon a rather [url=http://img1.ak.crunchyroll.com/i/spire4/39f7bd067b662e7098412d4cc825df071390162247_full.png]flamboyant[/url] looking person showed up. A level 9 Wizard, who's powers revolved around items. He was also an Eraser, with all that it implies. "Yeah, wussup Darky?" He spoke casually to Dark Wraith, which she heeded no mind to. [b]"It looks like a group of our mobile armor went to attack the Green Kingdom. From the reports I'm getting, they want to initiate "Salt the Land". I'll need you to clear the area out while I send some operatives to complete phase two."[/b] The Dosh King smiled as he headed to the highest point on the Black Castle. Dark Wraith left the Dosh King to do his business while she went to address other members of Ebony Strykers. She had no intension of wasting players to throw their lives away just to wipe out the Green City. Arms Slave and his Mayhem Riders would be enough for that task. But she did need some players to do a different task. [b]"You two, Crimson Bolt, Shining Ray, come here..."[/b] As Dark Wraith commanded the Black City, they began to rally their forces together in preparation for the inevitable invasion. Taking territory is easy, it's keeping it that would be their real challenge. With all the guilds working against them, Dark Wraith knew that she couldn't really on the enemies of her enemies doing her work for her. So she'll have to rely on a force that was everyone’s enemy. [b]"Are you ready? Send in the Dissolutions."[/b][/hider] [hider=Deep Ground Online][b][center][u]Deep Ground Online[/center][/u][/b] The sounds of battle and warfare raged on inside the Green Guild's territory. How amusing it all was. To some, this battle would determine and sway the remainder of the war's efforts. To others, this was no different than any ordinary skirmish, albeit on a much larger scale than any seen before. No doubt this would be the first in many struggles for dominance within Deep Ground Online. And yet to some, this was an opportunity. Machinations that would bear fruit for future goals when the right seeds were planted. Not too far from the battleground, a rupture within Deep Ground's system was visibly seen. It was doubtful that anyone would have paid much mind to the disturbance, as all were focused on the destruction of the enemies before them. Once more, this proved naught but an amusing spectacle for the Masked Man that calmly stepped out of the disruption. His gleaming eyes shining in fascination, he found himself a viewable spot near the rear of the battlegrounds, his gaze searching for one specific individual. The Red King. Stuffed Rabbit. Goals needed to be initiated after all. He found her at the front of the Stryker charge, she stood defiant against the blitzkrieg of the oncoming horde of mechanized death. She seemed to be - taunting the tanks. Trying to provoke them somehow, intentionally or not was up for debate. She seemed calm amidst the chaos, all things considered. Nonchalant, really. It seemed she didn't see this battle as a pivotal moment in the war, nor of any more grandeur than other battles that were commonplace. The Masked Man watched her from afar as she bounded towards the tank, using her rifle against it - a strange sight. A sniper with an agility build? Dual-wielding even. Not to say it wasn't feasible - or practical - but it just seemed out of place somehow. If Rabbit had any notions of actually completing her assault on the massive war machine...then today wasn't her day. No, the Masked Man had come for a reason, and he would not leave until he saw his goals, as lofty and mysterious as himself, were carried through. Focusing on the sprinting form of Stuffed Rabbit, the masked Avatar exuded little to no effort; in fact, it looked as he was standing still. However, the effects of his action, as subtle they were, were still evident. Stuffed Rabbit soon found herself rushing to fight at one moment, only to plop onto the ground and landing in the dirt...right in front of the Masked Man. Rumors of a powerful Hacker Player were known, yes, but to move another Avatar during a sequential battle action? Unheard of. Rabbit groaned, "Ow... ow..." She sat up, rubbing her head as she looked up at the Masked Man, "Huh? Who're you?" She looked him up, a masked avatar? She looked around herself she wasn't on the warpath - or at least directly on it. She had been moved. But how? Who could've moved her? Rumors of a Masked Man had sprung up around the school with mysterious powers and the ability to change the way the world worked. Could this be him? "Are you the Masked Man everyone's talking about..?" [b]"Oh? You want to know who I am?"[/b] The Masked Man took a step closer, his eyes showing hidden emotion behind his mask....or was it simply the shine of a mad man? The status above his Avatar read [b]Player Avatar[/b], though it was known by now that he was prone to changing it to [b]Enemy NPC[/b] or even [b]Enemy Boss[/b]. [b]"I'm no one,"[/b] he finally replied. [b]"No one at all; I don't want to be anyone either. I suppose...I simply am. However, you probably need a title to address me, yes? Rumors do carry around, don't they? Let us see...if you are a King, then I am a jester...yes, that sounds about right. I suppose you can call me....Silver Jester then. No more of this Masked Man tale. Wouldn't you agree that the time has come for us to meet face to face....Michael?"[/b] While he was talking, Rabbit set about standing up, she brushed her skirt - more as a force of habit since dirt never seems to bother with her. She perked up at him when she heard her name - Michael. "How- what? Huh?" [b]"You seem surprised. People like you always are. However, I'm not here to discuss true identities. We've had enough bloodshed revolving around those....no, I came here to discuss your current alliance with the other Guilds. Don't you find it...interesting?[/b] Just who was he anyway? She cocked her head, "Interesting..? How so?" Her head raced with questions, but she decided to bite her tongue. It was obvious that this person held a powerful position and whether or not he was directly related to the murders of the last Kings did not matter now. Perhaps it's best to humor the Jester for now. [b]"Me murdering the other Kings? Now why would you think that?[/b] What? How had he...but that was impossible. No amount of skill or Perks or Specs or...whatever else could justify this man's uncanny presence. There was no doubt now; this man was an extremely powerful Hacker, one able to bend the system to no limits. As if noting her upcoming disbelief, the Jester titled his masked face to the left. [b]"I assure you, all things contain within them a logical reasoning, no matter how chaotic the circumstance. I'd suggest you best not dwell on it for now. As for your temporary partnership with the other Colored Kings, I ask you this. Has it ever occurred to you why exactly the Black King has declared war on you all?"[/b] It was a simple enough question, but one that required a specific answer. His voice held no malice or defense or any sort of biased nature; it was simply a neutral tone, one of infinite curiosity. "Well... no. I never really thought about it." She felt a bit guilty at distrusting the Jester. But also embarrassed to know that he could read her like a book. It wasn't like her to judge people at first glance but - something seemed off about his presence. Maybe it was his ability to warp the world at his will, a strange power definitely, but not inherently malicious. At any rate she knew she should apologize to him: "I uh... I'm sorry about all that thinking you were related to the deaths. It was rude. But- no, I still don't have an idea why she declared war on everyone." Silver Jester narrowed his eyes, the only visible indication that he had reacted at all to her answers. [b]"You seek apology for accusing me, yet you continue to fight an enemy you've yet to understand? Fascinating...doesn't it seem strange that the Black King hides her true identity so securely within the real world? No...it would be more appropriate to call her Moon Rider in this context. Indeed, someone who cannot muster their own will to fight for a resolve has no place striking down their enemy,"[/b] he said, referring to the Red King herself. What was he implying? What was he getting at? [b]"I suppose what I'm saying...is that I want you to join your forces...with the Ebony Strykers."[/b] A merger with the Strykers..? But why? After all they had declared war first - without provacation. Besides, why would this person want her to join with the Strykers in the first place? She needed answers, otherwise there'd be no compromise. "Why? Why should I join the Strykers?" She looked intently at the eyeholes in the Jester's mask, perhaps trying to get a read, or perhaps just being polite and making eye contact. The Jester was not intimidated by the direct eye contact-in fact, he chuckled at the sudden boldness of the move. [b]"Do not be mistaken Michael. I hold loyalty to no one. I'm simply...an observer. However, I understand your suspicion upon my words. After all, you people are very interesting...what if I told you the reasoning behind Moon Rider's actions? If you were to speak with her and reveal her own intentions...then I have no doubt that she will be forced to listen to you."[/b] In a flash, the masked man faded away, only to reappear closer to Stuffed Rabbit. His eyes shined brighter than ever with sustained amusement as he leaned his masked face closer. [b]"Would you like to hear the secret which guards this madness?"[/b] You people. What a peculiar choice of words. A superiority complex, maybe- there I go again. Making rude assumptions in my mind about the one person in the world who can read my thoughts. She sighed. A secret, though. Secrets are great fun. "Wait. Is there a catch? Cause everything that's been going on lately is really clichéd and that seems like something that'd happen." Silver Jester paused. [b]"A superiority complex...yes, I can understand how you would assume such a thing..."[/b] There he goes again. [b]"Why would there be a catch? I hold loyalty to no one. What purpose would be sought after by myself if I intentionally lied to you? I seek only to...enlighten."[/b] She still didn't fully trust him - but, he already knew her real name, from that where she lived. If she was actually in danger, hearing him out wouldn't be a problem. So, why not? "Alright... Please tell me then." [b]"Very well then."[/b] The masked Jester leaned closer once more, bringing his covered face to the Red King's ears. And then he whispered the few words that defined this seemingly pointless war. Satisfied, he stepped back and watched for her reaction. Rabbit's eyes widened as he revealed the Black King's master plan to her, "Really?" She stepped back and held a fist over her mouth and nose, contemplating the effects of her plan. The Jester narrowed his eyes again, pleased by her words. [b]"I have simply informed you of the method to her madness. If you desire to know why she seeks to do so, I suggest contacting her yourself. I must admit...her reasonings for this war are quite noble indeed. Who knows? You might feel the same way after hearing it from her point of view."[/b] The masked man chuckled a second time as his Player Avatar's body began to slowly shift away. [b]"Time grows short now Michael. I ask once again to join the Ebony Strykers. Not for Moon Rider's sake or anyone else's. I want my entertainment to be as drawn out as possible, and that means both sides having an equal chance."[/b] The bastard. Who the hell was he to witness this conflict as a leisure pastime? Had it not been for his calm tone, one might mistake his whole speech as akin to a god looking down on mortals. In this case, perhaps he was. Who could say for sure? [b]"Farewell for now Red King. I have others to speak with. Do try to make this war all the more amusing for me, yes? After all, the entirety Deep Ground is...so interesting."[/b] And just like that, Silver Jester blinked away from existence. However, he did not go far. In fact, he blinked in front of yet another player that he had been intrigued by. One that especially sought his attention…in fact, he was almost as interesting as the Black King herself. Almost. [b]“Why hello there…Albus Phantom.”[/b] Elsewhere, the battle raging on the Fanged Ranger’s territory was about to come to a close. Massive spawn points began to appear all over the battlefield, promptly interrupting some battles here and there. At once, a massive wave of Dissolutions of all shapes and levels poured out from the spawn portals, charging out every which way in a flurry of chaos and pandemonium. Oddly enough though, they seemed to avoid directly attacking the forces of the Sweepers and the Ebony Strykers. Instead, they attacked any other Player while also making sure to cause any and all extensive damage to the Green Guild. This battle was over, as the amount of sheer destruction put all in danger of the wild fury let loose upon the fields of war. That is, all except those who fought in the name of the Black King. Likewise, a massive barricade of Ebony Strykers stood guard at the massive Black Guild. Towering dark spires reached towards the heavens as the waiting players were ready for any and all notions of invasions. Orders from the Black King herself made sure that they stayed put, keeping all enemies who approached at bay. Elsewhere, a certain solo Player was spending her time digging for clues when a war was happening practically right behind her. The nerve of some people these days. Luckily, there was some divine being out there who would gladly answer her prayers for an answer. Of course, answers often came in the most unlikely of places. “Hey there Kitty Cat~ It’s been a while, hmm?” A familiar, sickeningly sweet voice entered in Smitten Kitten’s ear as a girly Player Avatar sat cross-legged on a piece of rubble. Her outfit was certainly….eccentric. However, that wasn’t what should have been a signal for concern, oh no. What was to be really worried about was the name displayed right above the Player’s status. [u][center][b]Corpse Collector[/b][/center][/u] The mismatched girl smirked widely. “So I hear you’re looking for answers. Kitty is gonna have to try harder if she wants them~”[/hider]