It was still dark when Alex arrived at school and the doors were still locked. In the year since he logged in to Deep Ground Online there seemed to be a lot more hours in the day that needed to be filled. Alex mostly took up a new hobby every month or so. This month it was origami. So Alex sat down and took out a ream of paper. By the time the teacher first arrived he had a regular zoo of little paper animals surrounding him. Slowly picking them all up he followed the teacher in and placed the little animals on top of the doors. Horses, giraffes, swans, monkeys, elephants, penguins, dogs and cats. They were just everywhere. Bookshelves were the easiest place to put them. Soon students started filing in and talk was of some catastrophe in Deep Ground and how there was student assembly later that day. Alex usually didn't go to assembly's, but he still liked to pretend he still played Deep Ground. If anyone found out he was the Unrelenting Jukebox he would probably die from embarrassment. From what he'd heard a lot of the newer players believed the Unrelenting Jukebox was an old event character built by the Devs, which suited Alex fine. No one looks in the real world for an event character. Alex finally arrived at the auditorium and settled in, making a little paper tiger to pass the time. Sitting quietly Alex saw the student body president approach the podium. Sitting in a position that looked like attention, Alex continued to make his paper tiger. He only shot up to attention when he heard about the death of four of the Kings. [i]What. Four are dead? Green? That's what I'm a part of. What's going on![/i] His left eye twitching and he payed complete and utter attention to what the president said. Then the speech went to the subject of war and Alex felt for the first time anger. Not annoyance or frustration, Anger. Sure it made strategic sense for the Black King to attack now and Alex couldn't fault them for that. It was the Sweepers that were supposed to be neutral that angered Alex. For the first time in over a year Alex felt like going back into Deep Ground Online. He was only a mid-level player, but he had to know what was going on. It was a while later when Alex realized that he was now alone in the auditorium. Standing slowly he made his way to the dorms and found his bed. Locking the door and lying down and then he entered Deep Ground. [b] [WELCOME BACK UNRELENTING JUKEBOX, YOU'VE BEEN MISSED] [/b] The "You've been missed" confused Alex, now jukebox, but as soon as he spawned in a building just outside the Green Section his ability activated. It didn't normally do it on his login, but being away for over a year must have made it a 'significant event' and so as he walked through upwards through the building in the a song played resounding throughout the area to let everyone know that he was there. Alex thought that whoever decided the music for his ability must have a sense of humor. [youtube]9CS9MWbPF-w[/youtube] Jukebox did admit the song put a smile on his face and a spring in his step. While it played Jukebox checked his equip screen. It had his old bowie knife... thing. It was somewhere between a bowie knife and a short sword, that was what was important. He also had his favorite pistol, the Walther PPK. He liked it mainly because it had a fun effect with his music ability. Checking that the grenades were equipped, Jukebox made it to the roof and two low level 2 Sweepers were there. They looked so confused, there was music playing and this guy was walking towards them with hand outstretched like wanting a hug. It had to be a rare event or something right? and just like that the Unrelenting Jukebox pulled the pin on the closest Sweeper's grenade and Sparta kicked him off the edge of the building. The explosion of fireworks surprised the other Sweeper and for a second too long didn't aim their gun at Jukebox. Long enough for Jukebox to tackle them to the ground and make good use of his knife... thing. When Jukebox could catch his breath and look around he was shocked. The Green Section was gone. "Well this might be the worst thing ever." [youtube]dpWmlRNfLck[/youtube] "You said it disembodied music. War sucks." Jukebox couldn't see any Fanged Rangers, but the sound certainly got the attention of the Dissolutions milling about and they certainly weren't happy. Sitting on the edge of the building, legs dangling over the edge, Jukebox started dropping grenades down to the Dissolutions and admiring the firework colours and explosions, wondering what to do with himself. [i]I came here to figure out what is going on. Why attack the Fanged Rangers? They're Switzerland! A neutral party![/i] Standing up and dropping one more grenade of firework-y goodness Jukebox decided to pretend he was a rare event character like he'd heard that the younger characters thought he was. [i]Hopefully information will come to me[/i] and with that he stood up and jogged along the rooftop border of the former green section.