[b][u]Gleeful Jackal - Blue King[/u][/b] The instant that his foes appeared, Gleeful Jackal whirled around, yanking his knives out of his latest victim with a grin as he counted their numbers. Three Assassins. Level six, holding pistol/knife combos. Definitely Hitmen. They had to go first. Two Brawler spec Tanks, both level five. Completely ignorable. Just because they could take hits didn't mean that they were a threat. Hell, he'd be surprised if they even managed to scratch him. One Healer in Ethereal Form. Smart. Three more not in Ethereal Form. Not smart. Free kills, once he got past the Assassins. [i]Bullet Time[/i]. The Assassins fired their pistols, and the Blue King sidestepped the bullets with ease, his already-considerable reflexes and speed doubled. Ten seconds left on Bullet Time. Ten seconds left on the Healer's Ethereal Form. It was go time. Smiling at the Brawler tanks that charged at him, Gleeful Jackal activated Shadowrun, blinking right past them and right into the face of one of the Assassins. The small boy in blue leapt at the surprised Assassin, forcing him to the ground as he planted a knife in the Hitman's jugular. One Assassin down. Nine seconds on Bullet Time and Ethereal, five seconds on Shadowrun. The non-Ethereal Healers were already starting to cast rezzing spells. Those took at least ten seconds to cast, so he had to end them before time was up. Unfortunately, the other two Assassins reacted quickly enough that they were already firing at him while charging at him faster than they had before. Damn. Both of them just popped Grim Stride. Now they were quick enough to intercept him if he tried to go for the healers. At least, they would be if the Blue King didn't pop his own Grim Stride. The Assassins' Grim Stride helped them catch up to the Blue King's absurd Shinobi speed, but Gleeful Jackal's buff only widened the gap between them again. As such, it was child's play to parry their knife strikes with one hand each before delivering a roundhouse kick to one Hitman's chest while hurling a Taser Knife into the other's arm, knocking the first Hitman to the ground while stunning the other. Nine seconds left on Grim Stride, seven on Bullet Time and Ethereal, three seconds on Shadowrun's cooldown. And now both Tanks were activating charge skills to rush him down. Well, that was an easily solved problem. With a bit of sleight-of-hand, the knife in the Blue King's left hand was gone and replaced with a metallic sphere that he hurled to the ground, releasing a flash of light that blinded the Tanks, causing them to lose control of their charges as the Blue King leapt out of the way without a scratch, leaving the Brawlers to crash into each other rather than the Shinobi they targeted. Gleeful Jackal took a moment to hurl a brace of knives at the prone forms of both disabled Assassins, finishing them off before he brandished two more daggers and rushed the Tanks down. With the massive speed boost that his buffs gave him, alongside the stacks of poison that each of his autoattacks dealt, even durable Tanks such as these fell in a manner of seconds. As the Tanks collapsed to the ground in a heap of cut-up flesh and blood, Gleeful Jackal spent an entire second turning around and smiling menacingly at the now-sweating Healers, two of which canceled their resurrection spells and turned to flee. But with the insane speed granted to him by both Bullet Time and Grim Stride, the Blue King crossed the short distance between them in almost an instant, cutting them down with his knives before hurling three more at the other Healer, sending all three squishy medics to their deaths. And just then, the final Healer's Ethereal Form ended. "Ohshitohshitohshit-" He gulped, staring down the Blue King, who turned towards him and...disappeared. "Hey." A hand clapped his shoulder from behind. At this point, the Healer didn't even have to turn around to know who it was. "How's it going?" "Shitshitshitshitshit-" Was all that came out of the Healer's mouth. "Relax, pal. Out of the goodness of my heart, I'm gonna let you live." "...Really?" A glint of steel flashed. "Nah." The Blue King drawled lazily as he kicked the fresh corpse to the side, turning back towards the battle only to see...a horde of Dissolutions tearing apart the Fanged Rangers? "...Oh what the fuck." [b]"WAR!"[/b] The unmistakeable voice of Edwin Starr rang out from a nearby rooftop, causing Gleeful Jackal to tilt his head up. [b]"WHAT IS IT GOOD FOR?"[/b] A single person sat atop the rooftop, hurling grenades down at the Dissolutions from his vantage point. [b]"ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!"[/b] Wait...he recognized that player. The Blue King latched onto the rooftop with a grappling hook and reeled himself in, flipping up and landing in front of Unrelenting Jukebox. "Ho-lee shit." He gave a shit-eating grin. "Aren't you that Assassin that always has music playing whenever he does anything? I haven't seen you in like, a year! Where the hell have you been?"