Madness. This war was utter madness. Watcher hated the brutality displayed by the Strykers and Sweepers present. He had to relocate as the building he was hiding in had been assaulted by dozens of Strykers. He took out two level threes that had carelessly passed by the mine he had set at the entrance, but as soon as the mine blew up and he saw the swarm of Strykers he knew he had to vacate the premises. He leaped out of the window and landed gracefully on the ground. It didn't take long before he heard shouts as the second mine went off and the room he escaped from lost all its windows from the blast. Whoever was hit by that mine hadn't been taken out as he saw no reward on his visor for defeating players. He hustled off on foot before the risk of being found became serious. Even though his active camouflage made him nearly impossible to see, if someone was looking seriously it would be inevitable that he would be found. He did the smart thing that any good sniper did: remained on the move. Outlaws had begun to take advantage of the chaos just to cause even more of it. Solitary Watcher glared at a group of them partying on a pile that once was a building. He didn't waste any time looking at their player status as he had come for a different reason and engaging them would be suicide. The only standing building was the guild house, and that didn't seem like it would last long either. As well at the Rangers fought they just had too little in numbers to handle this. Their allies were scattered and hadn't sent even half of their forces. There was no tactics or strategy here, it simply was beat on each other until someone falls over. Some of the Kings were even fighting against vehicles solo, something they could do, but something Watcher thought they probably shouldn't do. The only guild that seemed to have a legitimate plan was the Strykers. They had far greater organization than all of the others present on the battlefield combined. To declare something as insane as war against all other guilds, the Black King must have a serious plan in action. As much as he hated it, Watcher kind of admired such tactics. This battle wasn't one of kill them all... it was salting the fields. They started with the weakest guild to destroy their morale. They knew what to hit and where to hit it. Countless resources would be spent to rebuild which would only leave the Rangers in a worse position. The Black King certainly had an understanding of war. He finally found a ruined building that would be serviceable. By serviceable it had two standing walls and a bit of roof that was sturdy enough to hold a body. Watcher set up a mine at each far end of the wall so that anyone sneaking around to gank him would be blown up. Then he grappling hooked his way up to the rooftop. He went prone and continued to observe. Part of him felt really sorry for the Fern Rangers and the Green King, but he couldn't get involved in this stupidly. They would either continue to exist or merge into one of the other guilds that were in the game. The Solitary Watcher began to try to put this puzzle together. The Sweepers allying with the Ebony Strykers. The War. The tamed dissolusions that suddenly entered the fray and ignored Ebony Strykers. The building he observed from shook as a low level dissolusion came too close to his proximity mine and blew up. He received his measly reward and sighed. The mines would simply serve as a beacon to players that were paying attention. He decided to move again to another vantage point. The temptation to vacate the area completely crossed his mind, but he needed information and this was the best way to find out what he wanted. He jumped to the pile of rubble that was the heart of the building and made his way to another pile of rubble a few hundred feet away. Here he simply laid prone while watching from his safe distance.