[center][b][u]Keith, Eclipsed Tower[/b][/u][/center] [i]Damn it all.[/i] Keith thought as he sailed through the air. Landing hard, he quickly rolled to a crouching position and sprang forward just in time to dodge a torrent of fire which incinerated the ground he’d been on just a second ago. His Vigilance ability was on cooldown, and most of his other abilities also. He was in pretty bad shape, he was on half health; with a horde of low level dissolutions, a team of high level outlaws and a high-level dragon dissolution all trying to take his life. The outlaws came first, a team of level 8s who had for some reason decided he was a better target than the guild they were besieging. Besides the fact that they were all two levels higher than he was, they were all also driving heavily armed hummers which if modified correctly could be harder to take down than most tank spec brawlers. They showered the area around him with gunfire and started to throw some chain weapons at his feet, clearly trying to trip him. He’d activated Vigilance V and jumped into the air before looking up and realizing that hordes of dissolutions now dominated the battlefield. The Fanged Rangers had no hope anymore, even if all of the coloured kings and their guilds came to help, he wasn’t sure if it would make a difference. His thoughts were interrupted by a spectacular roar, quite close to him. He looked in the direction of the noise and found its source. A level 9 dissolution dragon had set its sights on him, and he was already swooping, trying to bite him out of the air. Without a moment to lose, Keith activated his Meteor Slam ability and quickly plunged downwards; the dragon’s mouth snapping shut above his head. He quickly plunged downwards, his speed accelerated by gravity, him and his shield head directly for one of the outlaw hummers. He crashed straight through the front half of the hummer, a player instantly dissolving under the momentum of his fall, the back half of the hummer flipped over his head and crashed with the sound of twisting metal a requiem for its descent. He looked up briefly to see the outlaws turning their vehicles round to face him; the dragon now circling back, a jet of fire spilling from its mouth and a new horde of lesser dissolutions joining the hunt for the Eclipsed Tower. [i]Time to run.[/i] He thought. His Vigilance ability still active, he darted around the rubble of what used to be the Green Sector of the Faded City. Bullets hounded his every step but he was five times faster than he was before, and none of them found their mark. But he could only run for so long, they would catch up with him sooner or later. He was close to levelling up, and a new ability could help him out of this situation but that was doubtful. If his next ability was useless for his situation, the time would’ve been better spent the best way to take as many people with him as he could. He was going to die here, but there was no way he was going alone. They were all coming with him.