Hi! Are you still accepting apps? If so, please consider: [b]Name:[/b] Lucian D'angelo [b]Age:[/b] 8 [b]Occupation:[/b] Engineer's apprentice [b]Personality:[/b] Generally cheerful and curious. Tends to get absorbed in machines to the exclusion of external and internal stimuli. [b]Backstory:[/b] Called Luce, meaning light, by his mother who wanted more than anything to feel the light of day on her face again. Sadly, she died when he was just six, never to step out of the vault into the world she knew as a child. Lucian doesn't know who his father was as his mother never told him and thus he takes his mother's Italian surname. Due to his curiosity, Lucian finds himself skipping school and exploring the furthest reaches of the vaults from the highly populated regions to the abandoned service tunnels and elevators. This behaviour only increased with his mother's death as the lack of supervision meant that he was absent from school for weeks at a time. As a result, many of the other vault children perceive his lack of education as a lack of intelligence yet his exploration and fascination with the inner workings of the vault places him near the top of a short list of experts, those who know the vault like no one else. Security eventually caught up with him and instead of putting him back in school where he will inevitably leave again, they allowed him to shadow the Engineering department instead, acting as an apprentice of sorts. Having been in their care for almost two years, the department has long since taken him under their wing with the hopes that he will be one of their greatest with time. Luce has dreams of building his own masterpiece, a vault perfect for those seeking sanctuary with perfect garbage, food, transport, health, etc. systems and his hands on every cog behind its walls.