He'd been about halfway to opening his bag before the stranger stood up seemingly unharmed. He had half expected to see blood streaking the catlike face of the cloaked woman, and was relieved to see that she was fine. It would have been a perfect time to leave but the red head, named Aldric, had acknowledged him and started introductions. The man with the bag paused a moment, hesitating but realizing quickly that this was the sort of group everyone else was in the middle of forming. Smiling faintly, he stepped forward and closed the small distance remaining between him and the two at the railing. "Johnathon Wenigsten," He said, returning Aldric's greeting. "Pleased to meet you all. It's nice to finally be here, eh?" He tried to make talk, as was his habit, although before silence had set in his mind had already crept back to Bast's fall. "Are you sure you're okay? I have gauze and things..." He added, nudging out the bag he'd been cradling against his chest. Practicing his trade had been reason for his journey to Pomria in the first place. There wasn't much he could do even if there was a problem but it never hurt to ask. Behind him, the deck of the Jubilance had nearly cleared itself between the haste of the adventurers and the efficiency of the Pomrian officers. The lady with the blue beret still stood waiting, occasionally writing down another tally with a smile and a few words of encouragement as the strays on the deck of the Jubilance filtered out. The gangplank was clear for the most part now, with the rush crowd now making its way down the pier. The more organized groups were who remained on the deck, getting their things from the below decks or waiting for their contacts in Pomria to arrive. The day was still young, not that it was easy to tell through the fog. As the other ships pulled in to port and let their ravenous entrepreneurs loose on the town, the streets of Perimeter slowly began to take on life in the distance.