Ineko stopped and thought for a second, he wasn't sure either. He let out an audible 'hmm', and his drones launched from his back. Hovering in various places in the room, they seemed to examine the new home and the people in it, primarily the resting Gideon and standing Beliya. Ineko meanwhile, was searching his boxes for a marker and some paper. Pretty soon, he found a large marker and some sheets of paper, along with some duct tape. He made a beeping sound and one of his drones flew close to Ineko, who wrote the words [b]"Are we allowed to leave campus today?"[/b] on a sheet of paper, then taping it and the marker to the drone. [b]"Go find a professor or a staff member."[/b] He told the drones, Ineko then opened the door and they flew out. After they all left, Ineko then said, [b]"Now we wait."[/b] He got back to organizing his crates. After a few minutes, the drones came back. In big letters, [b]"NO"[/b] was written on the back of the paper. Ineko took off the marker and paper then held it up for Beliya to see, [b]"That answers our question. What now?"[/b]