[center]Donny Kain / Arms Slave[/center] The Green Guild hall was no more. Where anyone to come by where it once stood, all they would find would be it's ruined remains, and Arms Slave. A single Fanged Ranger, the last defender of the HQ, cursed with his final breath as Arms Slave pulled his axe from his chest, dispersing into experience crystals. Arms Slave leveled up, and underneath his ghastly visage he smiled. He looked around and could only see the Mayhem Riders cleaning up what was left of the Green City. No buildings to cover the sky. Only a scant few resistance from the other guilds. From his count, he lost a little over twenty players already, but that was expected. They were being killed off by the kings, but they were only few in number. He had started with around three hundred players, and they've accomplished only barely destroying a fifth of his forces. Where has he had laid waste to the entire Green City, and stalled long enough to bring Dissolutions to occupy the barren lands. Arms Slave returned to his war machine and got behind the wheel. He was going to head back to the Black City seeing that Dark Wraith had arrived, and may have orders for him. But he didn't leave without one more taunt to the kings gathered here today. [b]"What you've seen here is just a sample of what the Ebony Stykers are going to do to Deep Ground. All that work you've made so far? Trying to scrap back what you lost from the deaths of your kings? Meaningless. Your guilds died when your kings died. We're bringing a new age! An age of destruction. Of death and mayhem, to bring a madness to powerful it chases you even into reality! And even you kings... What kind of kings are you? You're nothing more than glorified PvPers. You don't have a goal, just a title that you plan to keep for shits and giggles. But whatever. Play your games, fight to your hearts content! Fight all you want, it'll certainly make this more interesting. But for now, you've done your part. You can go ahead and die now. Mayhem Riders! Back to the Black City!"[/b] Arms Slave kicked his war machine into high gear. In celebration of the annihilation of the Black City, they continued to fire their guns at anything moving, now that there was no buildings to serve as cover. They left the area as quickly as they came, leaving nothing but Dissolutions to keep the wasteland. The only Stykers left behind were the ones who were already currently engaged in battle. But there was a reason why they were leaving. They were getting out of the danger zone. The Dosh King looked over to Dark Wraith. "Alright darky, if what you're saying is right, than I think this ought to flatten what's left of the green city, and anyone in that area." The Black City was covered in a giant shadow. The shadow of a giant golden coin, with Dosh King's face on it. It was his Level 9 Avatar Ability; Root of all Evil. Normally it would be a ten-foot diameter coin, but with the combined buffs of all the healers present at the Black City, Dosh King's anti-building coin was sized up into a anti-city coin. It was a shame that he could only do this once a day, but with most of the Green City gone, all he needed to do was get rid of the survivors. Once his ten minute charging time was up, the Dosh King flung the city-sized coin over to where the Green City once stood. Everything inside would be crushed underneath. Players, Dissolution, even the buildings would be reduced form their already smoldering remains into a flatten, coin shaped crater. As Arms Slave drove away from the resulting explosion, and the few who didn't got turned over, Crimson Bolt and Shining Ray were driving towards the Green City as they saw the destruction from Root of all Evil, and they had a column of Dissolution in tow. They were initiating part two of the Salt the Earth strategy, however they were starting to get strange reports of Dissolution already being present at the remains of the Green City. "Wait, what? But Dark Wraith sent us to bring in the Dissolutions! What do you mean that they just 'showed up' in the Green City? And they aren't hostile to the Ebony Stykers? That's a load of bullshit! Dissolutions are always the enemy! What the fuck is going on?" A question that Arms Slave wanted answered. What happened with the Dissolutions, that wasn't natural. That was some fairly blatant hacking right there. And he knew that it would be within the abilities of the Sweepers to do something like that, but it was a sloppy job. And he had something to say about sloppy jobs. But even Dark Wraith had no idea what just happened. [center]Retsu Goroshi / Dark Wraith[/center] [b]"That can't be right. Crimson Bolt and Shinging Ray didn't even arrive yet."[/b] Dark Wraith was trying to process this information. She had sent Crimson Bolt and Shining Ray to attract Dissolutions towards the Green City. They would do that after they see Dosh King's Root of all Evil attack go off, killing off all the players in the area and leaving Dissolutions in their place to ensure that the Green City wouldn't be rebuilt. It would only be than that she would reprogram the Dissolution's programming to change their respawn location to the Green City, that way even if the other guilds came in later, they would have to deal with constantly respawning Dissolutions. What Dark Wraith was trying to figure out however, was why the Dissolutions started showing up [i]before[/i] the Dosh King's attack or the arrival of Crimson Bolt and Shining Ray. And more importantly, why those same Dissolutions weren't attacking the Ebony Stykers. Because as useful as that is, Dissolutions are everyone's enemy, and Dark Wraith would have no hand in giving the Ebony Stykers such a blatant advantage. Allying with the Sweepers were one thing, but to ally with Dissolutions would be like saying that you have befriended bullets and thus are not able to be harmed by them. Blatant cheating, and no amount of clout would deny that. So Dark Wraith was worried about how to fix this before the other guilds start accusing the Ebony Strykers of hacking Deep Ground. She had no intention of following through with her initial plan seeing that there was already an ample population of Dissolutions at the remains of the Green City now (Assuming they would respond after the Dosh King's attack), but now she had a new problem. Finding who was trying to frame the Ebony Strykers of this blatant form of hacking. [b]"Ebony Stykers, return to the Black City immediately. The Green City will be occupied by the Dissolutions. You will remain in the Black City until further orders."[/b] Dark Wraith had to get to the bottom of this. Whoever made this hack wasn't trying to be subtle, but they must have quite a grip on the Deep Ground system. Worse still, they were enemies of the Ebony Strykers. Dark Wraith imagined that who ever did this plans to frame Ebony Stykers of hacking, and while the Erasers are deeply connected to the system of Deep Ground, they were smart enough not to do something his blatantly cheap. Whoever did this was just as skilled as Dark Wraith was, but was intentionally making novice mistakes in order to pin the blame on them. At least, that's what Dark Wraith thought. Because she had nothing to do with the Dissolutions this time. But before she could leave the guild hall, someone shouted at her. [b]"Oi! What the hell were you thinking?!"[/b] It was Arms Slave.