I bet they look cool when they billow in the wind and all that :P. Hmm, as for a group name, I bet they'd call themselves something silly like the A Team. Riley: The A stands for awesome. Plus, it's the first letter in the alphabet! //shot Just a reminder :), I'm going to end the chapter tomorrow night. Six people still need to post, so please post before then. Those who won't be able to post, just leave a heads up and all that. I'll also have the Interlude up by tomorrow night, so it's time to set sail for Iwaku~ Ryverrrrr join us! We have the OOC up already~ Thanks, guys <3 And @ Decemberists >w<)/ they're pretty cool! I currently have this stuck on replay. Haha, what have you guys been listening to lately? [youtube]Sy0NySwzDzY[/youtube]