[center][b][i]Valentin Schwarzwald[/i][/b][/center] --- Valentin was just moving to finish off this guard that he had by now smacked into the wall when he noticed, from the corner of his eyes, that Kennedy was going to suicide-jump through the portal into the unknown. He responded quickly, rearing his body around and extending his arm to grab her arm so he could stop her from doing something so stupid, but he just missed her arm and instead grabbed a pole next to the portal, a support for the building upstairs. By now, the shots fired and heavy fighting had alarmed quite a few civilians that were enjoying a drink upstairs and shouts and screams could be heard while the old bartender tried to calm things down, saying someone was watching a movie in the backroom. [b]“Damnit!”[/b] Val yelled, obviously concerned with Kennedy's well-being, but at the same time worried that jumping through the portal meant certain dead. Peering through the portal however he could see she had held her own rather efficiently. Before he could, someone rushed through the portal as well, someone that Val hadn't seen before. At the same time, it seeemed Mason was talking to someone that Val hadn't seen either, barely being able to make out a silhouette in the dark shadows in the corner of the basement. Had he been there the entire time? [b]“Mason! Let's go!”[/b] he yelled while he made room for him to get a run-on towards the portal. He finally felt he had enough room and started sprinting towards the portal, then leaped as he yelled a warcry. [b]“FOR THE VOX!”[/b] he yelled as he leaped into the portal, touched concrete and rolled across the room due to the unexpected feeling of a solid floor underneath him. The portal messed hard with one's feeling of height. And that aside, the sudden change of altitude compared to Columbia made Valentins ears ring, pop and then he basically couldn't hear for a few seconds while he tried to adjust to being this low beneath Columbia. Well, not like he knew that they were under water, Valentin had kinda just assumed that this was another part of Columbia. Maybe someone else could figure it out, but probably not, because after all they were in a concrete room with no actual windows showing the ocean. Val reared around to see Kennedy, except.. he didn't see her. He could only see her feet as a last sight of her as she went through the door, and chased the man that had supposedly opened the portal. [b]“Damnit!”[/b] he yelled, once again, but continued this time, [b]“Kennedy!”[/b] For a leader, she did not do much leading, and a lot of doing. But Valentin couldn't argue with that, as he was a big fan of leading from the front. He looked around only to see this ghost-like person whom had supposedly.. captured the mind of one of the Knights but left the mind as he went through the portal. That's the only logical explanation because nothing else seemed to make sense, this guy appeared outta nowhere after all. [b]“Let's go man!”[/b] he ordered him, unintentionally, as it came out in a quite bossy manner. Not that that would matter now, the guy had probably already understood they'd need to help Kennedy. But he also realized that Mason and the others were still in the other side of the portal.. where ever that was. Ah well, likely they'd jump soon and the sounds of running would lead them to the rest of the crew. Valentin didn't give it much thought and instead chased after Kennedy, hopefully with the ghost man. And surely enough, Kennedy came into sight soon enough as Valentin pushed himself to run faster and faster.