[quote=Savo] -Eien : ???-"(Oh shit... I need to find a place to get that checked out... I wonder if there's and infirmary or any supplies to stop the blood loss in this creepy old place... All I just need to do is clean up the would and wrap up the back of her head or something with bandages I think... Ok, so these are my main priorities - finding out where we are and finding things to patch up that wound.)"Eien anxiously awaited her awakening, nervously contemplated if she would wake up at all. To stop some of the blood loss, he put one of his hands behind her head. This would have to do for now until the girl awoke from her slumber. He was frowning, with a rather worrisome look on his face as he patiently sat there holding her, waiting for her to emerge from her slumber. After a while, his facial expression began to lighten up, as the girl began showing signs of consciousness. He gave a brief sigh of joy, and wanted to hug her, knowing that she was still with him. He did, however restrain himself, and instead gave her a smile to show how glad he was to see her alive and well."Thank god, you're with me..."As he spoke, the girl quizzed him on where they were, wondering about where they were. He only knew that they were in an old school which seemed to be deprived of any soul other than the two, and this place feel dreary, with its creaky wooden floors and the sabled looking outside made the windows seem like the place had a sense of dread. He got shivers down his spine just thinking about the malignant place they were jailed in. He began adding onto bis priorities as the girl spoke, mentioning their friends, and such. His friends... It was rather peculiar to him that they were the only two here. Didn't he see everyone fall into the same depths of despair? Yeah, he was sure of it."I'm sure this isn't Kisaragi Academy anymore... I mean, we did fall into a rather dark abyss which is rather strange... I'm pretty sure if a hole opened up through the floor, we would of just fallen to the first floor... Or we would see the first floor classroom at least... All I know is that something supernatural is going on, and we need to find out where we are and how to escape. We should check this room for clues before trying to leave... Maybe there's a newspaper clipping or something that can explain to us where our current location is... After that, we head to the infirmary and or find supplies to patch up that wound you have on the back of your head. Thats our current tasks at hand I believe. I'll explain the rest later, but for now, lets look for some clues that we can use to get an idea of the situation we are in... Can you stand up at least?" [/quote] "Y-yeah, I'm fine..." Replied Mayuri, who proceeded to stand with seemingly little effort. "Hmm... Perhaps I can...use my necktie as a bandage?" She thought allowed, staring down at the small bow that was attached to her dress. No sooner had the thought left her mouth that she had untied the best little bow and began wrapping it around the head wound, helping to stop the bleeding. "There! That should help somewhat, at least until we reach some sort of medical facility..." As Eien and Mayuri searched the classroom, they found that it wasn't all that special (aside from it being in complete disarray and a few 'odd things' about it). As Eien had somewhat suspected, a small note lay beside the apparent entranceway to the classroom, and was revealed to be a part of a school newspaper titled "Heavenly Post". Further investigation would reveal that it read as follows: "[Heavenly Post] 'Breaking News: Serial Kidnapping Ends In Murder' The good name of Heavenly Host Elementary School has been stained in blood today as horrific details on the recent wave of disappearances are revealed. Over the past month, numerous children have gone missing within the town, and authorities quickly turned to kidnapping as the most likely explanation. Now investigators have located the whereabouts of these children, and their findings are far worse than anyone could've anticipated. The bodies of the absconded youths were discovered within the Heavenly Host Elementary School building on September 18th, 1973 at around 7:00 PM. Authorities further revealed that a male instructor from the school was found with them, alive but near-catatonic, holding a pair of bloodied scissors. Each of the corpses appeared to have had its tongue sev__ed and remove_________________ique mutilations far too grot___________________g to describe." "Rather eerie article..." Mayuri remarked, shivering ever so slightly at the ominous message. With a sigh, she continued about the room, walking over to a peculiar cupboard just to the right of the teachers desk. Aside from this cupboard, there was nothing even remotely noticeable in the room, at least as far as Eien could tell.