[b]Noboru[/b] Noboru breathed a heavy sigh of relief. At least this girl was someone who would listen to him and at least try to believe him. "Well... here we go. Today after school, I decided to go to the idol club over in that room." Noboru made a motion and pointed his finger from where he just came from. "Well, as interesting things would have, I was whisked up in a dance, hence the music, and the dance ended. I decided that the club might not be for me, and decided to leave. As luck would have it, my shirt ripped. I don't know how or who did it, but it seems as if today is not my day. Well. Believe me yet, or is that too wild of a story?" Noboru really rather hoped that she would believe him. He would hate to ruin Chiaki's reputation, even if he didn't care about his own. He rubbed the back of his head, wondering if the club members were still shocked, or if Chiaki had received his message. [b]Aiko-With Toma-[/b] As they passed his brother, Aiko started to twitch. It was so easy. He was out in the open, and it would have been extremely easy to embarrass him. He really wanted to. Every bone in his body ached, but he didn't want to look bad. He decided to pass on the opportunity, deciding to go with double the force later. "Well I love running and all that you know. And thanks for the food." Aiko took a chip, munching on it for a little bit before swallowing it. They quickly walked to the track, and Aiko feared what was in store for him.