-Aimi- With a trembling hand Aimi gently grasped the male’s wrist, removing it all together: not out of anger but rather to prove a point. “I understand that a lot has happened, you’re terrified and so am I. You could just snap at any time and beat me to a bloody pulp. Am I scared of that? Yes off course I am but I’ve taken a beating far longer than any human walking this earth. I’m telling you that a life on my own, in a world I know nothing about terrifies me more than being left to fend for myself, with a child I’m not sure I want so I guess what I should be asking you is: Terra do you want out? Do you regret being with me? If you want out then just tell me rather than blaming your fear of hurting me” -Yuji- “Really? Well I guess that’s good then. I wouldn’t want to make a fool out of myself or seem really inexperience and clumsy when push comes to shove. I’ve asked Yuu several times and he has explained, as well as shown me some v-v-videos for reference but but erm… it was really explicit and made me feel really strange so I turned it off.” Little did the clueless brother know exactly how clueless he appeared to be, or how inexperienced he truly was. Besides having barely kissed a girl which couldn’t be taken seriously Yuji was as experienced as a child. -Yuu- “You’re a wreak and you’re emotions are just all over the place so Kai, just take a deep breath and calm down. You’re severely underestimating yourself as you are a vampire now, so just do what you think we do or better yet. Watch a movie and take notes on how to flirt. It truly is easy, you are a mysterious being and humans as well as certain creatures feel naturally drawn to you. In their eyes we are charismatic and sophisticated; it would take quite a strong-willed woman to look past that, besides you’re not that bad. ” Closing the space between the two the elder gently rested the palm of his hand on the male’s shoulder, his breath brushing against his cheek as he whispered seductively into the much younger’s ear. “You are confused, your hormones are raging and I won’t brush those feelings of yours off but anyone can tell that you’re attracted to me. Just get a handle on yourself, learn the ropes and make sure you’re not being controlled by your hormones. When you’ve done that we can address the issue, alright? If it gets too bad then tell me and we will try to get through it.”