Serenity raised her head from the menu when she heard Leslie speak. Something happened while she was away...? She needed to get to the ground so she could talk with Hibiscus, then. The young woman climbed down the ladder carefully built into the side of the leg. Only when it was set down, like this, did the ladder really look like anything. As she rounded the machine, to find her informant, she felt Vortex shift uneasily. While the two couldn't communicate without some form of external medium, Serenity could... sense Vortex, somehow. It was hard to explain without talking about philosophy first. But, that feeling set her a little on edge. She stepped to the front of the machine, waiting a moment before she'd speak. "Hibiscus." "Can I call shotgun? Or am I riding up-top cowboy style?" That's what she wanted to discuss now? "I... don't have any designs with passenger seating, so... Er, you're supposed to be briefing me on something, right? We can discuss passenger arrangements later." She eyed the dog sniffing her machine, once. She didn't really like Necromancy, herself, but it had its uses... she supposed. There were other ways of getting things done, though. "What happ-" Serenity had raised a hand to lay on the side of her machine, and found a handle materialized for her to put her hand on. She looked at the handle, then the crystal, and after a beat turned her gaze back to Hibiscus. "Uh... what happened while I was away?"