Mayura responded to Midori, "You're welcome. I'm always glad to lend a helping hand." He figured that when more people start helping each other, the world will start to become a better place, and more peaceful. "An ancient master of Hissatsu, Paramatma, taught me everything I know. I trained with him for 12 years. Then, a few weeks ago, a neighboring warlord attacked the forest we were in. We fought waves and waves of enemies until there was just a few select and the warlord himself. My master told me to flee so that I may increase my knowledge and skill. I watched as he gave himself over to the otherside," Mayura said while bowing his head in respects to his master, "I made my way over the mountains to learn about life beyond the land I was raised in." He knew the world was in need of peace. "Well, anyways, what do you guys eat? I'm looking for some food right now."