Hi all.  Even though I've been lurking around this RP for a few days, I never contributed to the Interest Check in any way so I apologize.  However, if it's alright with everyone, I'd like to submit a CS for consideration.  My CS is going on the assumption that Libertyville is in America somewhere.  My character will also be a pretty big gag character. Even though my character is over-the-top, I hope she is not considered OP. [b][u]CS[/u][/b] [b]Appearance base picture:[/b]  [hider=Roboko's human appearance] [img=http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100205181555/megaman/images/5/52/Sera.jpg] [/hider] [hider2=Power armor's appearance] [img=http://img206.imageshack.us/img206/2862/1195034989315xb0.jpg] [/hider2] [b]Appearance base notes(optional):[/b] Roboko's human form will, of course, be wearing the designated school uniform instead of the white dress. [b]Name:[/b] Mekajima Roboko [b]Age:[/b] 5 [b]Role:[/b] Freshman (or first year) student [b]Short Bio:[/b] Roboko was created by mad scientist, Mekajima Osamu as part of a robot army that would conquer the human race and establish absolute order.  Osamu saw mankind as inherently depraved and destined for extinction, and saw the cold, calculated logic and reason of machines as the only pure source of true morality and law, so he taught all his machines that they were morally superior to humans.  Roboko, in a curious quest to understand where depravity and perversion came from, did some research and came to the erroneous conclusion all human social ills spawned in high school.  Since it was her life mission to purify mankind, she wanted to understand her enemy, the impurities of man, and thus decided to infiltrate (enroll in) a high school somewhere in America (the most hedonistic and depraved nation, according to her research), Libertyville High School. [b]Personality:[/b] Roboko behaves as one would expect, like a robot; emotionless, but inquisitive.  She is convinced in her research and merely seeks to confirm her findings that high school is the root of all human problems.  As such, when things are 'too normal', she will often ask, with a straight face, for people to engage in debauchery, violence, crime, sex, etc.  Don't be surprised if phrases like, "why isn't there more violence?", or "I expected more mating", to come from her mouth.  Rather than be disgusted or repulsed by perversion, she seeks it out and may come off as voyeuristic. Roboko's just here to observe, record, and validate her research, even if she needs to give people a push in the right direction. [b]Notable skills and powers:[/b] Roboko is a synthetic artificial intelligence.  Her body is comprised of millions of microscopic cell-like nanomachines.  Each 'cell' contributes to her processing, so her entire body is her 'brain', making her super intelligent (sort of, she tends to jump to conclusions and stick to them dogmatically).  Losing parts of her body will result in her becoming a bit dumber, but her mind is backed up to the cloud in case her body is totally destroyed.  Roboko can connect to wifi and cellular networks to communicate with other people's phones.  No hacking into other devices, just basic smartphone functionality.  She can search the Internet with her mind and to other people, it just looks like she's zoning out hard. The nanomachines are actually comprised mostly of organic matter (carbon fiber, various plastic materials, etc.); the rest being silicon, gold, copper, iron, and titanium.  As such, she actually replenishes herself with food that she converts into the organic components.  The rest she generally supplements with pills that she carries with her, though in a pinch she will eat windows, Rolexes, laptops and expensive bicycles. Being a robot, Roboko is much heavier and much more durable than normal humans.  However, she is not super fast or super strong.  Her greatest physical trait is her control and precision, which can make her seem stronger and more agile than she really is. Since Roboko's nanomachines can be rearranged, she has very limited shapeshifting ability, but taking any configuration besides her default uses up tremendous processing power so she really never does it. On Mecha Island where her home is, there is a special hangar where her power armor is stored.  The components of the power armor are coated in a special substance that allows it to be teleported via data lines, allowing Roboko to summon and don her power armor anywhere in the world with reception.  The 20 foot tall armor is capable of flight, has incredible strength and durability, and a massive array of ordinance and energy weapons. [b]Other:[/b] Roboko's father, Mekajima Osamu and Doctor Viper may be old acquintances/frenemies since both are robotics focused supervillains.  If Evelyn and her mother ever visited Mecha Island within the past five years, then Evelyn and Roboko probably met. --- EDIT: I think James Bacon and Kara Gildeon are my favorite characters so far