Aaron was calm and collected as he knocked on the door to April’s room. Darius opened the door to let him in, since April was already fully in the game lying on her bed. “So how did it go?” Darius returned the chair he’d been sitting in to be in front of the door and sat down in it. The Orange King had poked the beast today, so they were taking precautions. While not all of the Marauders were particularly fond of their fresh king, none of them wanted to go through a repeat of Garth’s death. Aaron set the book he’d gotten from the library on the desk before taking a seat on the bed, or more accurately on the very corner of the bed not occupied by an unresponsive April. The first thing he’d done after securing his own position as the Marauders’ king was declare that if what happened to Garth ever happened to him, that the role of king would immediately and unquestionably pass to Bellowed Mist. “It went well,” was all he said before he fell backwards onto the bed. Darius winced as he watched his king’s skull collide with April’s knee. Aaron would feel that one when he logged back out. The large young man let out a heavy sigh. For once, he wasn’t feeling excited to enter the game. His body merely slouched forward a bit as he changed into the wizard Zealous Calm. In the game’s world, there was no sign of the other two being anywhere near where Zealous Calm appeared, likely because they weren’t anywhere near where he was. The wizard turned to face the entire gathered forces of the Silent Marauders. --- Conquest Pantheon was in position. He would have been ready sooner, but he’d had to carry Bellowed Mist most of the way. The female assassin sat only inches from where Pantheons stood, a necessity as the platform upon which they were consisted of nothing more than one of Pantheon’s spears stabbed into the fabric of the sky. The assassin broke the stubborn silence, but what she had to say didn’t lighten the mood at all. The Green Guild was gone, it was suspected that some of the Kings that had been present had fallen, and to make matters worse, dissolutions were spawning out of control all over the Green Guild’s territory. The day was a total loss for the allied Kings. The blanket of clouds far below finally decided to part, revealing the obsidian spires of the Black Guild far below. Conquest Pantheon raised [url=http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130815224516/godofwar/images/e/e1/Godly_Spear_of_Zeus.jpg]his spear[/url] over his head and charged up his most powerful ability. He had his sights set on the highest part of the Black Guild, where his spear would do maximum damage. A second later, a massive column of lightning tore through the roof of the Guild. As soon as Stream Lightning returned his spear to him, Bellowed Mist grabbed Pantheon’s arm, and the two of them disappeared. The spear they had been perched upon vanished exactly thirty seconds later. The spearman and assassin had already rejoined the rest of the Marauders by that time though as they marched together towards the Black King’s territory. Word was that the Cobalt Bruisers were already taking on the Ebony Strykers on their home turf. If anyone was still standing, the Silent Marauders would join them to fight.