[quote=Eyeris] You should post a short Bio for Leslie and Ibby. I have no idea how old they are/what they look like/ :PI'll post after work tonight ^_^ [/quote] Would short descriptions do? If so, here are some: Leslie, as hinted in her appearances, is a 35-year old, well-built woman with red hair and glasses that cover her blue eyes, whose preferred attire is a Blue T-Shirt and jeans. By being well-built, she is bulky, but most of said bulk is muscle, with only a little fat. Yeah, she's a somewhat ugly musclegirl, but, personality-wise, she cares about the MPC and what it stands for, and while she opposes Ascot on many matters, she is loyal to him, and as regards Jonathan, she [i]does[/i] respect the person, but at the same time, wants him to be redeemed. Ibrahim, meanwhile, is also 35, tall and lean, with Pakistani features, although his beard and facial hair are short-cropped. He can be called ruggedly handsome, with his calloused hands adding to his appeal rather than detracting from it, and his preferred attire are Polo Shirts and Jeans, although in his appearance in the Flashback, he was wearing a T-Shirt. He is Leslie's opposite on many matters, but sticks by her due to well, love. His stance towards the MPC's current activities is much more lenient, due to the fact that they still save lives.