[quote=Magic Magnum] Crusade? Please, list one person I hurt let alone killed by making my points here. Plus once again, you do not see China, North Korea or Russia or saying "Praise be unto there being no God! We do this in the name of no god!" but you see it all the time with religion with cases such as ISIS, Westboro Baptists etc. And you're completely looking over the fact I already agreed all men can be guilty of such acts, but Religion acts an enhancer... which is essentially my entire argument. [/quote] You may flail and cling to this last plank of the sunken ship of your argument all you like, but you'll need something stronger. 1. Stated motivations differ from actual motivations. Removing the excuse does not stop the war. 2. Many religious in Cambodia, China, and the USSR were killed for their religion, so there's that. 3. If Communism had as its core "Jesus is the lord!" You would call it a religion. So drop the double standard.