Ok here's the "prototype" CS. I think it's fair to say the three of us can all kinda take some level of charge in this rp, so let me get some feedback from you guys. [hider=Champion] [u]Name:[/u] obvious [u]Age:[/u] possibly not needed if these characters aren't mortals? could also be apparent age [u]Sex:[/u] could be apparent sex, or the character could be sexless (if they aren't simple mortals) [u]Appearance:[/u] obvious [u]Powers/Skills/Weaponry:[/u] anything your character does or use to engage in combat. try to keep in theme with your deity. [/hider] [hider=Deity] [u]Name:[/u] obvious [u]Sex:[/u] again, possibly apparent sex or sexless [u]Appearance:[/u] obvious [u]Domains:[/u] what your deity is "the god of." try to keep in theme with your champion [/hider] [hider=Combined] [u]Alignment:[/u] your god and champion's position of morals and views across the Law-Chaos and Good-Evil axis. dont think of this as a restriction on personality, but as a guide on general conduct as well as motives. two characters of the same alignment can have very different interpretations of that alignment [u]History:[/u] obvious [u]Other:[/u] anything else you feel to be relevant [/hider] I thought going with a three part CS could help prevent the redundancy of some information, and show that the player really is making two characters. I would think that dialogue or even conflict later on between the actual gods could arise.