[b]Name:[/b] Gunhildyr [b]Age:[/b] 37 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Appearance:[/b] She's built like an Amazon, standing in at 6'5'' and has visible muscles. Her pale blond hair is tied back roughly into a flat ponytail that lays against the back of her hair rather then being perky and lifting upwards. On both sides of her face are two braided strands of hair. Her face has a rugged beauty about it with dark brown face paint splashed on it while on a hunt. Like the rest of her body, her face has it's share of scars, most notably a vertical one underneath her left eye and a set of three claw scratches along her right jaw line. She looks tough as nails, especially in her animal skin clothing that has a giant paw on each shoulder. [b]Personality:[/b] She's a no nonsense gal who enjoys fighting and drinking, but that's about it. She was raised from birth in a culture where if you're not tough then you're worthless and this has effected her viewpoint on many things even to this day. If she does show compassion then it's in the form of tough love. She doesn't commit many crimes besides when she gets a little rough with people or does what she believes must be done to solve a problem, so she's not a bad person as long as you don't mess with her. If you do then god help you, she [i]will[/i] get revenge one way or another. She mostly looks out only for herself and those who she deems worthy to hunt with after they have bested her in combat or otherwise proved themselves worthy. If they did manage such a feat then she can be fiercely loyal to them to the point of giving her life. She's not afraid of death, finding death defying feats exhilarating. She has limited patience for boring or annoying things. She has no sense of humor, so seeing a blue moon is more frequent then seeing her laugh or tell a joke. [b][u]Abilities[/u][/b] [b]Physical Enhancements-[/b] Imagine a very tough male body builder and she can fight around three of them in brute strength. She has no magical powers to enhance her strength so this is all natural, although the race of humans she belongs to does naturally have very high levels of physical fitness. Her speed is that of an Olympic runner but can keep it up for longer periods thanks to her powerful muscles and long strides. [b]Hunting-[/b] Good at skills relating to hunting and traveling outdoors. [b]Weapons-[/b] She prefers to wield a broadsword, which she can wield with a single hand if necessary despite it's large size and heavy weight. She's also trained in bows, knifes, maces, and unarmed combat. [b][u]Weaknesses[/u][/b] *She has no magical powers *She relies on brute strength [b][u]Equipment[/u][/b] [b]Head:[/b] Hide armor helmet, made from an animal with skin on a toughness between iron and steel. [b]Body:[/b] Hide armor, made from an animal with skin on a toughness between iron and steel. [b]Hands:[/b] Hide gloves...you get the idea. [b]Feet:[/b] Hide boots... [b]Weapons:[/b] Steel broadsword, bow with steel arrows, single handed mace, steel dagger [b][u]History[/u][/b] She's known as the Mercenary Queen, coming from the frigid lands to the north where those of her race are often raised as mercenaries to fight for other countries. This is one of the primary sources of income for their otherwise poor kingdom that has few/hard to reach resources and limited habitable land. They have to be tough from birth out of necessity, even if you are a queen. Some believe that she's called the Mercenary Queen simply due to how skilled she is as a mercenary, although the title can be taken literally as well. In fact, she learned her powerful fighting style as part of the royal family, which took power through force. Her father is the most powerful warrior of the entire country and raised Gunhildyr without holding back any more then necessary to not kill her. By the age of 12 she was able to block one of her dad's blows for the first time, and at 15 she got a solid hit on him in the stomach. By that time she was already taking part in military campaigns as a mercenary, having killed twice as many enemies as her age, although not all at once. Like her father she also took up heavy drinking, taking more and more dubious assignments, but she turned her life around after the Empire of Grendail invaded her kingdom. Instead of fighting for just anyone she, for the first time, fought for a cause. During the battles to come she made up with her father, who simply wanted to prepare her for this day and have her tough enough to survive in this world. He died in battle with the empire and she gained the title of Queen, thus leading to her well known nickname of Mercenary Queen. She reinvigorated the rest of her people and they pushed out to invaders after a long struggle. [b]Trivia-[/b] This character is an imagining of my character in Skyrim, although with liberties taken on things that don't fit in with the game.