[hider=Deep Ground Online][center][b][u]Corpse Collector[/center][/u][/b] The mismatched Player rolled her eyes in response to Smitten Kitten’s oh so threatening words. Still, a twitch of annoyance did betray her emotions as the other Player mentioned her defeat so blatantly. “Yeah, I actually don’t remember anything after that. Strange isn’t it? Just woke up one day back here with a brand new outfit! For all I know, I could be in some serious coma…and that would be terrible….nah!” Corpse Collector leapt from the rubble and took a threatening step forward, twirling her wide umbrella playfully as she did so. Upon hearing Smitten Kitten’s concerns over the Black King, the Hacker giggled madly. “Oh re-fucking-lax already! Look, I don’t know much either. Frankly, I don’t care. I’m done trying to kill that shitty King. In fact, my new goal is really simple! Here, take a look.” Corpse Collector revealed a silver gun with two long, silenced barrels and some runes carved into the side in a delicate manner. “Like it? It’s Death Penalty II. It’s…actually kinda meh. It can’t shoot out Dissolutions like the old baby, so that’s what I’m gonna do now. Find the guy who beat me-Arms Slave was it?-and then take my gun back. And then rip all his arms off, kyayahaha! And you…” The Hacker Player grinned wildly, clicking a small button located on the side of her umbrella. At once, the parasol became a whirlwind of spinning, bladed, death. “I kinda wanna kick your ass too Kitty. After all, you were standing right fucking there when I got booted out the game. That makes you double guilty!” --- [center][b][u]Silver Jester the Masked Man[/b][/u][/center] [i]“Pleasant day, isn't it? The perfect day for a war, and if you don't have anything else to say to me, I'd like to be on my way.”[/i] [b]“Not just war…but conflict. Strife. Antagonistic actions that define the core of living things…yes. It’s a beautiful day for paradox’s and shifts to occur.[/b] The Masked Man tilted his head. [b]“A boy who seeks to find truth in death, reasoning in sacrifice. That is the kind of person you are Albus. Very fascinating…tell me. What can you tell me about a Player named Corpse Collector? Would you like to know more about the self-proclaimed Hacker Player?”[/b][/hider] [hider=The Real World][center][b][u]Student President Yoshino Tsugumi[/b][/u][/center] Yoshino blinked her eyes open at the sudden intrusion within the Student Office. A few hours had passed since her conversation with Retsu, and she could only assume that the efforts inside Deep Ground were a success, given as her second in command had not replied back. No, she was more than just that now. She was a friend. Still, she had expected the small ringing to be from her. Bringing up her frontal interface, the Student President widened her eyes once more at the message delivered to her. Since her original declaration of opening up the Ebony Stryker's gates, she had taken the risk to add her name to the forums if anyone actually had the guts to contact her. Of course, no one really did, and it was more of a display of power than an actual method to converse with any other Player. She usually did that through Retsu or giving direct commands herself in-game. So just who was this lucky person that wanted to, of all things, talk? Yoshino took one glance at the sender's name before narrowing her eyes. The Red King. And just exactly what did they want from her? Coffee was a liable excuse and Yoshino was just too paranoid to think it was something to gloss over. With a frown, she first sent a message to Dark Wraith in-game to detail her next plan of action. If this was some sort of vulgar trap to corner her in the real world, then she would not hesitate to make the others pay hell for it. [b][center]"I've been contacted by the Red King to meet up later. Since this is in the real world, I can only assume our attacks were enough to win the battle. Don't worry about me; I'm confident that this new Red King is less of an ass than her brighter counterpart. I'll send you another message later when I'm done."[/b][/center] Smirking at her own little quip towards the Orange King, Yoshino swiftly replied back before getting up to grab her coat. If the Red King truly did want to discuss matters, than it would be on her own terms. --- From: [b]Student President[/b] To: [b]Stuffed Rabbit[/b] Subject: [b]Fine[/b] Yes I know of the place. My client has deemed the circumstances safe enough, although I will be appearing in her place. I want this quick, simple, and today. You have less than an hour to get there before I change my mind. --- By the time she had sent the message, Yoshino was already locking the office doors on her way out. Michael was on his back when the message came back - not returned by the King herself, but through the Student President... One hour?! That's ridiculous! It’s a fifteen minute jog at least and with the president no less, Michael had to brush his hair and put on good clothes and - clothes! Laundry was tomorrow, he didn't have anything good to wear... today's uniform maybe, but... it was at the bottom of his hamper. Michael was officially flipping shit with fifty minutes left. Michael pivoted around, scanning desperately for something to put on - a lightweight jacket that wasn't too badly worn. He threw it on and zipped it up halfway. He stood in front of the full-length mirror on the back of his dorm-room wall and teased his hair with his hand and sighed before slipping into his loafers and swinging the door wide open. Michael jogged out of the dormitory to the bike rack outside, he fumbled with the lock, twenty minutes had passed and he wasn't even on the way there - knowing Purple Crown the walkways to the place would probably be packed with students. Twenty five minutes and he'd finally got the lock free and was peddling furiously towards the coffee shop. Thirty full minutes had since passed after that fateful message, and Yoshino found herself sitting at a table near the very edge of the cafe. A small, black coffee-how fitting-steamed from her clenched hand and she glanced at the clock above her. This place always was such a hotspot for Purple Crown students, Player and diner alike. However, seeing as there was a full-scale war taking place in the game right about now, the cafe was understandably lacking in customers. She should have known this was another scheme, no doubt to reel in Black King in the real world. A frown slowly creased onto her face as she debated on whether she should spare her guest another five minutes or so. Michael finally rounded the last corner leading to the shop at thirty-five minutes after. He hopped off the bike as it swerved into the bike rack and fastened the chain around the wheel. He stood up sighing and looked into the window to see the president sitting at the edge of the cafe. He gulped and sighed, "Alright." He made a fist that would make an anime protagonist proud. Michael stepped up to the door and pushed it open, the bell chimed lightly signaling his arrival. The barista came out from the background, "Welcome! What can I get for you?" "A uh... caramel macchiato." "Mhm, three dollars." Michael fumbled with his wallet and laid the money down on the counter. He folded it up and slid it back in his pants pocket. He smiled to the girl behind the counter and turned around to face the president. He sighed and made strides towards her, sliding into the seat across the table from her. He held his hand up, "Yo." Yo? Yo...yo. Yo? Yes...yo. Yoshino almost wanted to believe that he was trying to say her first name and just couldn't get it out. As amusing as that thought was, she knew that probably wasn't the case. Instead, she marveled at the fact that the new Red King, Stuffed Rabbit...was a guy. And not just that, but Michael Faye. That in itself...opened up a new can of questions. Still, he was much easier to handle than that ass Aaron. Yoshino took a calm sip of her coffee and while also adjusting her glasses with the fingers of one hand. "Do you always greet members of the Student Cabinet with makeshift rap lyrics?" Scary. Michael's first impression of meeting with the president of the student body. Maybe scary was the wrong word, intimidating more like. He rubbed the back of his head, closed his eyes, and smiled awkwardly, "Ah, sorry..." The barista arrived at the table and set the drink down in front of Michael, he smiled to her, "Thank you." She nodded and walked back off. Her timing was impeccable and helped alleviate some of the awkwardness that Michael was experiencing at that moment. He sighed and sat up straight in his chair, "I uh... wish that Moon Rider could've been here. This is kinda something we should talk about one-on-one." He picked up the cup and took a sip from his coffee. Seeing his flustered state, Yoshino just had to tease the poor boy just a little bit more. It was bad enough that she now knew Stuffed Rabbit was male...what more could she do? "Oh? So you're criticizing my job now? Are you saying I'm incompetent, and so have little importance when compared with my client? Is that what you're implying to your Student President, Faye-san?" A light smirk had now replaced the frown. Michael flushed red, "I- I uh- no- nonononono. I just..." Was she messing with him? He couldn't tell, she was always so serious all the time, it made it really hard to tell whether or not she actually had a sense of humor. He tried to bury his ramble by pretending to drink from his coffee, averting his eyes from her as much as possible. "Well now...I can see now why you were declared Red King." Yoshino took a sip of her own coffee, letting the last joke hang in the air. At once, she directed a look of business towards the other student. "But I'm afraid I only have time to share more than two laughs with an ally. Seeing as you are an enemy to my client's cause, you won't share such a luxury again. Now then, Stuffed Rabbit. What do you want?" He set the coffee down on the table, "I uh... had a run-in with the masked man today and he told me the reason that Rider was doing all of this stuff, the war and teaming up with the Sweepers. I uh... wanted to talk to her in-person about it because it isn't really a safe topic to talk about in Deep Ground." At once, Yoshino's frame tensed up and her eyes narrowed into twin searchlights, reading Michael's expression carefully. The Masked Man...she herself had once encountered the strange supposed Player, though she had only ever made detail of her account to the last White King. She sighed. "You should have known better Faye-san. First off, what made you have the slightest assumption that my client would ever reveal herself in public? That being said, you claim to know my client's goals in this whole game. Impossible, as that would imply that you know more about her than me. As for the Masked Man...that thing is not to be trusted. And as for yourself..." Yoshino fiddled with her glasses. "You made an incredibly stupid mistake; coming out here and openly revealing your real life identity. I should use this to our advantage...." A pause. "But I suppose I can let your first hand experience as a new King be reason enough for this slip-up to be ignored for now. Anything else? Or do you have more theories to share with me?" Michael was on the verge of tears. Christ. She just tore through everything he had said and then some. He brought cup up about halfway through her rebuttal to try and hide his expression from her. His eyes looked off into the window behind her, trying to keep their eyes from meeting. At once the Student President's expression softened significantly, as if she had caught herself from going too far. A sympathetic smile was soon followed by a second sigh. "Apologies Faye-san if I've offended you in any way. I suppose I was...speaking too much on behalf of my client." Michael sat the cup down on the table and gulped, "Yeah, don't worry about it. I just- I'm sorry for dragging you out here for nothing." "No it's [i]not[/i] fine," Yoshino replied with a serious tone to her voice, as if criticizing herself for being too harsh. "You came out here to seek the Black King. You came here not knowing what you would find. And while that did take a lot of stupidity to muster...it also took much bravery as well to risk your life to speak with me. Faye-san...the least I can do is hear you out." She looked down at her coffee cup, staring at the black liquid, lost in thought. "That is, if I haven't scared you off yet," she tried to offer, looking up with a genuine smile. Michael returned his gaze to her as she looked down at the coffee, when she looked up at him smiling the two of them made eye contact for the first time in the conversation. She was smiling. It was the first time he'd seen her actually smile. It was kind of cute. He blinked awkwardly and blushed, "I uh..." He coughed, clearing his throat, into his fist and took a deep breath. He leaned forward and spoke lower than they had been, "Well, the masked man said that Moon Rider's trying to [b]break the program from the inside out[/b] by causing all-out war inside the game. So she's either going to recruit everyone or keep throwing everything she's got at the system until the WI has to shut it down." He sat back and picked up the cup and pressed it to his lips, it was significantly cooler than when he started, but he'd barely made a dent in it. He blushed and looked down at the table, setting the cup down on it, "I was hoping that uh... when I told Moon Rider this she'd explain it a little better." Yoshino was too little, too late realize that he was staring directly into her eyes. At once, the primal instinct of her phobia threatened to take ahold, and she slowly directed her eyes away, trying to calm her rapid heart. However, Michael's next words didn't help matters at all, and the Student President's eyes snapped back to her fellow student. "W...What did you say?" Destroy Deep Ground from the inside out? But that...how did...no one knew that. No one knew, not even Retsu. No, scratch that. Retsu knew to some extent. How was Stuffed Rabbit able to predict this information? The answer was simple, taunting her in the face. "That masked bastard," she muttered, before staring down Michael once more, a new suspicion growing within her. "I...I see. Frankly, I'm at a lose for words and so...I guess....no, I suppose...I-I...Heh, and so he told you everything, right? Told you about the Black King's plan....Moon Rider's plan...." She gave Michael a look that could freeze a heart solid. "My plan." "Your... plan?" Michael took a gulp of his coffee when her words hit him fully. His eyes diluted and he quickly gulped it, "You?!" Michael realized all-to-late that he'd practically yelled out around the coffee shop, he looked around quickly to see if anyone heard - luckily the ongoing war had all of the cafe's regulars busy and the barista was too busy listening to music in the backroom. He blushed and turned back around, he leaned forward, "I totally called it." "So- do you think you could elaborate on your plan a little?" "Oh did you? Do you want an autograph too?" Yoshino was on the defensive now. And why wouldn't she be? As of now, more than two people knew her true identity, the other being Retsu Goroshi. White Terror had known as well, but unfortunately, she had taken it to the grave. Haruka, as loyal as ever.... "Isn't it obvious?" she asked when questioned about her reasoning. "As a King, I thought...no, let me stop right there. As a King, I know you won't understand. It is for that reason alone why I seek not to share my goals with the other Guilds. None of them will understand." The Black King leaned forward, her eyes intense and momentarily forgotten of their brandished phobia. "Why do I want to destroy Deep Ground? It's because it governs our lives like cattle. It controls every aspect of our destiny...and we're expected to just sit by? Play some stupid death game to determine our future? Red King, I ask of you this; does that sound like a fair world at all?" Michael, still in shock of the Black King's sudden reveal, took a moment to compose himself before replying, "I uh- when you put it like that- no... no, not really." "Of course it doesn't," she agreed bitterly. "But I'm afraid our fellow Kings and the rest of Deep Ground feel the exact opposite. Deep Ground is so influential within our society that it's become a way of life. Why should I tamper with something that's not broken? But it [b]is[/b] broken, and people fail to see that. Even now, the World Interface will be swayed to the sides of those who to keep their fatalistic tradition running because of a selfish ideology." Yoshino paused to catch her breath, taking the time to adjust her glasses once more. "Even if that means that I'll become the world's enemy...I'll keep fighting against what I believe to be nothing by a tyrannical doctrine." If Michael had any doubts now, they were soon crushed under Yoshino's sheer fortitude. Here was Moon Rider, the Black King, in the world of the living. That passion. His crush on the student president had run dry earlier when she beat him down. But now- that she's in her powerhouse state of hers, it reignited his passion too. He blushed thinking about it, he looked straight into her eyes and opened his mouth the speak and found himself speechless. He took a gulp of his coffee and closed his eyes to compose himself. "There was one more thing-" Michael cut off to take a drink of his coffee, "The masked man said that I should join you... I uh- think that I should." Why did he say that? There was absolutely no good reason to join her- except that she made it seem like the right thing to do or whatever. Maybe it was the way that she delivered it with so much passion. It made his heart race, could he really be swayed by simple lust? Perhaps, but another thought crossed his mind. "But- what'll the other Kings do to me if I up and switch sides? I mean- I was the one who got all of them to agree on banding together." Yoshino blinked, momentarily caught off guard. He wanted to join her? And this had come from the Masked Man? The Student President mulled over her options with a sip of coffee. While it would definitely add to her forces, she had to wonder why the Masked Player himself sought to assist her Guild, no, her goals. Didn't he just go around watching everyone, not getting involved? "You....want to join me? I won't lie Michael...I'm actually a bit touched at that," she said softly. "I can only assume that you share the same views towards the Deep Ground Program. I...just want a world where I don't have to fight for my life, where every day is a potential threat to your future." Hesitating for a moment, Yoshino gave a small shake of her head-directed towards herself-before leaning over and touching Michael's hand. "Even so...I'd be glad to have you on my side. You...even without your Guild."[/hider] [hider=Moon Rabbit-Contains Fluff][center][b][u]Student President Yoshino Tsugumi[/b][/u][/center] The moment seemed to last an eternity before Yoshino reeled back and adjusted her glasses. "Of course, there's the issue of the other Kings. I myself will no longer bother to convince them to my cause, though that doesn't mean you can quit trying. Seeing as you made the alliance in the first place, maybe they'll listen to you. Who knows?" The Student President leaned forward again, the fire alight in her amber eyes once more. "But if they choose to repel your words with force, then I will cut each and every last one of them myself," she promised. He meditated on her words: I'd be glad to have [i]you[/i] on my side. That was oddly specific of her - she probably meant it in that he was a well-to-do player... an asset, though he liked the prospect that the president was warming up to him. He almost didn't even notice that she had rested her hand on his. He blushed and looked her straight in the eyes. What she said next though was... scary, at least to him. Michael appreciated the sentiment but the idea of Moon Rider showing up and cutting people for his sake startled him. He smiled awkwardly, "Thanks, but I don't think they'll listen to us- especially not after what went down in Green City... If it weren't for the masked man I probably wouldn't have heard you out either." He picked up his cup and looked down at her as she leaned over the table, she was cute - and even though his thoughts by no means matched the gravity of the situation, he couldn't help but wonder if she, perhaps, was a normal girl. He'd like to see that, maybe. A rare sight happened on that cold night in the cafe. Yoshino did not flinch away automatically when the Red King set his eyes on hers again. A rare moment indeed...but one that was only overcome by the rarity of the red pool forming on the Student President cheeks. "I-I...I see. Yes," she coughed, trying to ignore the fluttering in her chest. "Yes, it would be troublesome. They're pretty much bred on fighting one another, the lot of them. Hmm...I'm wondering what could happen if we take a different approach though. We can announce your Guild's alliance with mine through a more drastic measure." "Hm, what did you have in mind?" What she had in mind was...well, terribly unorthodox. "Yes...in order to intimidate them further, we need to send them a message. Perfect! If people start seeing us as a couple outside of the game, then that would cause additional pressure to the Kings in the real world! Besides, it's not like that have actual lives outside of Deep Ground anyway." To be fair, Yoshino Tsugumi was rumored to be the only student in all of Purple Crown Academy...who still read academic texts for fun. Now that more disturbing than any masked freak. Throughout this all, Yoshino explained the concept in a logical fashion and a calm voice, as if the prospect of dating was nothing out of the ordinary for her. Michael blushed, "W- wait... are you asking me out?" He glanced around the coffee shop and back to the president, "Like - for real?" Michael thought about it: there's no way she's doing this out of anything more than necessity, right? A power play. Though, he had his doubts about how concrete her idea was - after all, almost nobody knew who they were in the game... how would them being presented as a couple put pressure on the other guilds? A glimmer of hope. Maybe she was just grasping at straws, trying to cover it up with an intellectual tone. The hope bubbled in his chest and pushed the ends of his mouth up into a smile at the thought. "Doesn't it make sense?" Yoshino tilted her head and sipped her coffee. "The world knows me only as the Black King's voice. With your Guild joining mine, it won't take a genius to figure out who it is that's dating the Student President. Of course...oh...heh, sorry about that! I got carried away again. If you don't want to reveal your identity, I understand. We won't do the dating plan if you don't want to. You're my ally now, so I have to make sure to protect you too," she said warmly. Heh. Of course. "Y- yeah... it might be a problem if I uh.... came out, as it were." He gulped, maybe he could salvage this sinking ship. The prospect of dating - even if it was just for show - wasn't something he was willing to let slip through his fingers. He gripped his pant legs under the table and looked down at it, blushing. He opened his mouth and paused, gripped with hesitation. He closed it again and breathed a deep breath. "But- uh... what if I uh... if we..." He gulped, "...can I take you out for coffee again sometime?" Michael began instantly to beat himself up over it - was that too indirect? What if she didn't understand what he was trying to get across? What if she did get it... and she denied him? A fate worse than death. Yoshino frowned, and instantly began shaking her head in negation. "No...no I'm afraid that won't do...no you can't take me out for coffee. That's because next time, you're taking me out for lunch." Taking a final sip of her coffee, Yoshino smiled teasingly at her new...friend? Perhaps... "And maybe dinner the next time. And who knows where else after that. That is...if you still think Moon Rider is oh so more interesting than plain old Yoshino Tsugumi?" No - his heart dropped instantly and shattered into a thousand stinging pieces. Well fuck, it's all over now isn't it? He was so caught up in his self-loathing that he nearly missed her dramatic turn. Lunch, dinner, and beyond? That feeling of hope swelled up again. Michael was tired - what should've been a simple cup of coffee had become an emotional roller coaster of epic proportions. "I- I uh..." he blushed at being at a loss for words, "I uh... have a confession." He gulped, "I uh... liked you before I knew... that you were Moon Rider." He looked up at her and smiled awkwardly and back down at the table. "So uh... yeah." "You liked me?" So it did go over her head... Michael thought. Yoshino was actually a little curious now. She had little time to deal with relationships at all given her work, and that was yet another reason why the Black King had sealed herself off from others. Didn't Haruka often tease her about such a thing before? Yoshino fought down the emotions regarding that subject in favor for these more positive. "If you don't mind, can I ask why? I mean, I know I'm Student Body President, but that's only a job for people who really, really, [i]really[/i] have alot of time to spare." She adjusted her glasses. "What exactly do you see in me Michael?" "I- I uh..." he knew the answer, but... was there really a good way to put it? "You... really... command a lot of power - and you're cute. I guess that sounds like a stupid crush, doesn't it..?" The expression on Yoshino's face was now a frown coupled with a blush. "Well that first one makes me sound like a bully. I'm not that scary, am I?" Michael smiled awkwardly and held up two fingers a short ways apart, "Maybe a little- intimidating, kinda... Maybe that was just your business face." "O-Oh. Well, I hope I don't come across as that all the time," she said shyly, embarrassed at how he must have seen her everyday. "Still, you're a little cute yourself, you know? I mean, you [i]do[/i] go around killing people with a name like Stuffed Rabbit." "W- well it's not like we get to choose, you know!" He took a drink of his macchiato and looked back up at her. "No. I suppose we don't. Just another example of how that game controls our lives," she said with a sigh. And that's when she noticed the clock. "Well look at that. It looks like you cheated Mister Red King. You used an hour and twenty minutes to explain yourself. Didn't I only give you just one hour?" she asked coyly. "W- well, maybe you could stay a little longer- on personal time?" he smiled shyly at her. He was never much of a romantic, he probably could've phrased that better. But, he tried to keep up this facade as if he knew what he was doing. "...you're not good at this, are you? Is this your first time Michael?" With a weary sigh, Yoshino leaned over closely and planted a small kiss on his cheek. With that tiny action done, she sat back and waited patiently for the inevitable fireworks. "I- I uh..." he blushed as she set her lips on his cheek, genuinely stunned. He blinked awkwardly, "...yeah, it is." "I uh... had always spent so much time in the City, so... I never really uh..." He sighed, he must seem like such a loser right now - though, perhaps that was part of his charm, he thought. He smiled a little, "I did get catcalled a few times in there though..." "Really? Did they have the luxury of being a King? Probably not...can you imagine if people found out that I was the Black King? I'm actually afraid of what they'd do to the both of us," she joked. Michael stared, immersed in the conversation, at his coffee cup. He looked back up, "Actually, now that I think about it... maybe it'd end up like a witch hunt in the old days?" "You know the one person I'd want to meet in person though? Arms Slave. He's the most insane person I've ever seen - I wonder if he's actually like that." Yoshino thought back to Retsu's descriptions of the battle-manic Player and how contrasting he was in the real world. "I...have a rough idea." "Yeah?" he leaned forward, thoroughly curious. "Oh you'll have to find out yourself. You've only just joined my cause today Rabbit." Standing up from her seat, she motioned for Michael to escort her out of the cafe. A fine way to give him some much needed experience. Michael stood up, carrying the thick paper cup with him and tossing it into the refuse before pushing the door open and holding it for his newfound girl, "I uh... have my bike here. We could ride together- if you wanted to." Yoshino could only chuckle and shake her head at the sheer lack of foresight into all this. It wasn't like that was going to stop her now. "Very well then Moon Bunny. Consider that a little nickname for now, unless I come up with a better one. Or would you like the typical Michael-kun?" Michael blushed, "I uh- I'm okay with either one... really." He crossed over to his bike and unchained it from the bike rack. He pulled it out and straddled it - admitably in one of the dorkiest fashions. On the back wheels little pegs stuck out, a constant reminder of his mom's constant push for him to find a girlfriend. The Black King, as always, only chuckled in amusement at how hard he was trying. Maybe she did find something special about this boy. Who knew? Taking a seat behind him on the bicycle, she gently wrapped her arms around his waist, but not before making one final adjustment to her glasses. "Take me away Red King. That's an order from Moon Rider herself." Michael paused for a moment and laughed, "Yes ma'am." He started riding off, his heart pounded as he felt her arms around his waist, Tsugumi could feel it through his back as he rode of to wherever it is he was going. He had no clue where he was going. "...so where are we going?" "Isn't it obvious? It's only natural that you escort a lady back to her house. We need to start teaching you in the ways of refined manners," she noted. "Ehehe..." he laughed awkwardly, he imagined himself as a refined man-of-the-house and dreaded it. "Right..." He took a turn and another, snaking through the Purple Crown complex towards the girls' dormitories, he tried not to jostle the two of them too much as he peddled so it took twice as long as it would've at his pace to get to the shop. He started to wonder if walking would've been quicker. They finally pulled up to the front of Tsugumi's dormitory, "This is the place, right?" "Indeed it is." Tsugumi dismounted from the bike and took a few steps forward toward her dorm. However, she stopped and turned to swiftly give Michael one more peck on the cheek before running off towards her room. "Farewell for now Mr. Bunny," she called out, waving her hand in departure. "I look forward to what you'll surprise me with tomorrow!" And just like that, she was gone, entering into her dorm room to settle for the night. The poor girl was so giddy with excitement, she had completely forgotten to message back Retsu. Oh well. Michael watched her until she disappeared behind the dormitory door. He laughed to himself and looked down at the pedals before riding off. He reached his dorm room after a leisurely ride back and immediately plopped onto his bed and rolled around. He fell into a fit of fangirling. Everything was going to be all right. Somewhere, deep into the inner fabrics of Deep Ground Online...a Masked Man narrowed his eyes.[/hider]