The entire town of Cloveshore had been on edge for a while now. Ever since the disappearances had started to become more frequent, people had been worrying. Now, with the very noticeable drop in population, the citizens were in an outright panic. Eventually, the people of the town got together and decided that something must be done. All suspicions were directed toward the strange family that never seemed to leave the mansion just outside of town. Everyone knew the rumors; they were often the subject of stories told to the younger children to keep them from staying out too late or getting into trouble. However, the stories of how they were really vicious beasts were something that even most of the adults believed wholeheartedly. And besides, it perfectly explained why so many people went missing. In the end, it was decided that perhaps an offering would be best to try to appease the beasts in the mansion. After some discussion, four girls were chosen to be sacrifices for the sake of the rest of the town. They might not have been thrilled about it, but off they were sent anyway, each of them chosen for one reason or another. Of course, since none of them were expected to be seen again, some may have taken advantage of this decision... ------ Up at the mansion, four boys had received word from one of the servants that they would be having visitors that day. They would be arriving before lunch, supposedly, so the Tier family had only some time to prepare. Of course, it had been quite some time since they had last had visitors, and they had mostly been left with just each other and the various servants since the passing of the late head of the family. How would things go this time? Who could say?