[center][img=http://shadowness.com/file/item9/326927/image.jpg][/center] [center]Name:[/center] [center]Varri Shova'nerien[/center] [center]Age:[/center] [center]27[/center] [center]Gender:[/center] [center]Female[/center] [center]Race:[/center] [center]Human[/center] [center]Personality:[/center] [center]Confident, free, and roguish are words to describe Varri. She lives by her own rules and answers to no one but herself...unless there is coin involved. Not the most honest or loyal of people but if you can somehow gain her loyalty or be interesting enough to get her attention she will prove to be an invaluable ally. Varri is as playfully mischievous as she is deadly, employing coercion as well as her skill in dual wielding to get what she desires.[/center] [center]History:[/center] [center]Nothing is known of this girl's origin. Her original parents are unknown as well as her birthplace or true name. What if known is that at the age of eight she somehow managed to traverse the globe and found herself in the company of the Caldari, one of many nameless nomadic warrior tribes that inhabit the Caldar Plains. Even though she was an outsider to them the Caldari still accepted them into their clan and raised her till she was eighteen where she left her adopted family and set out in search of her destiny. She ended up a pirate serving aboard the infamous Artiva for nine years and working up to the position of first mate as she pillaged the seas until one day the ship wrecked off the coast of Alurean. That was four months ago and now Varri has found herself in the city looking to either make her fortune here, or rebuild what she lost those months ago.[/center] [center]Relationships:[/center] [center]Varri has no interest in relationships, she sees it as an anchor and most of the time only forges relationships out of benefit to her.[/center] [center]Other:[/center] [center]Varri always carries twin daggers with her. The only thing she has of her homeland though its craftsmanship is unknown. Life as a pirate has made her an expert at climbing, pickpocketing, and lockpicking.[/center]