The two handed battle axe swished through the air as Mosh practiced his battle forms at a clearing, a short walk away from the 'Hunter's Fort'. He was starting to understand the saying; "A change is as good as a break", that was told to him once. The reason of his enjoyment of this solitude, away from others was that it was so much quieter. The raucous laughter and non-stop chattering of all the people in the fort, was starting to irritate him. This whole time he was in full armor, and he still trained in it, to improve himself by pushing his limits. And so, He decided to finish his combat exercise by dashing forwards, leaping and then spinning his whole body and weapon two full rotations and then while still airborne-crashing down with his weapon as it sliced a deep groove into the ground below him. He then walked around a little to calm the rapid beating of his heart. As his breathing became normal, he reached underneath his helmet to wipe the sweat off his forehead. Satisfied with the exhaustion his training brought him he then heard someone nearby talk about breakfast and how good it was. He knew from that, that he was late and needed to hustle in order to save as much face as he could. So his adrenaline kicked in as he swiftly strapped his weapon to his back and stormed past the two he had overheard, ignoring their gasps of shock as he proceeded towards the fort's front doors. He ignored his loud, clinging and clanging of his armor as he ran. Several minutes later arriving at the dining hall. He raised his voice to be heard through his helmet, "You people better have saved some for me!" He then quickly grabbed a plate and hoped that he wasn't out of luck. He was slightly worried about what Heidrek would think of him being late today, as he was the only one that Mosh ever really respected or cared about. Even all the great things that were spoken about the new commander didn't convince mosh that he was worthy of being a leader and mosh knew that for him to follow the new guy that this new guy would have to prove himself first.