Beelze was quickly getting to work optimizing all of the settings on the computer and checking for any firewalls. [i]I haven't had much experience with quantum computers. Seems a little harder to work around,[/i] Beelze thought to himself. He was deep in thought when he noticed someone sit next to him. It was Roxy. Beelze noticed her long, flowing black hair, the hard look in her eyes, perfectly shaped nose, and luscious lips that formed her mouth. [i]Wow, I didn't notice her beauty until now. Can't let feelings get in the way though,[/i] he thought. He turned from the work he was doing on his computer to face her. "Hello, I'm Beelze Marke," he proclaimed, "I do not believe we have met." He stuck out his hand to hopefully get a handshake from Roxy. [i]And now the fun begins,[/i] he thought while letting out a smile to show his 'friendliness' towards her.