[center][b]*Morella Cinder*[/b] * ~ * * ~ * ~ * * ~ * [/center] Morella raised an eyebrow, barely noticeable with her hood up, as she glanced to her side. [i]Something Thorne, begins with an A...can't quite place it, though.[/i] she thought. She made a point to remember info about notable students, in case she ever had to fight with or against them in an exam. She looked back to the jock, who was eyeing her and Alistaire behind her weirdly, but he went back to chatting on his phone. She looked to the newcomer, saying, "For someone who used a pretty good strategy in his exam, you're pretty awful at stealth plans," she said tersely, though angled her shoulders slightly as she leaned against the wall to better block this new guy. She continued, "But it's his own fault anyways, he didn't take the exam as seriously as-" she started when [i]once more[/i] someone walked up to her, to her slight annoyance. Not in the person in particular, she just didn't like people in general. However, she did recognize him as Tirren Lais, mainly because from what she'd seen of him in exams, he had a very unique weapon, and found it interesting. [i]"So, what's with the whole human shield thing?"[/i] the new person asked, coming from the opposite side as Morella. She didn't say much, but glanced behind her, as the jock had noticed another person come up too, and walked across the room to continue his conversation privately. But he glanced over from the new place, and he had a clear view right to Alistaire. [i]"Hang on a sec, babe, need to check something..."[/i] he said, holding the phone away from himself as he started heading right for the three people there. Morella grimaced, knowing this guy was just the type to cause trouble, which she was in no mood for. She sighed, unzipping her hoodie slightly and reaching to her shorts. They were halfway down her thights and had an elastic waist band, but she rolled the waistband up to show more of her legs. Then she took her hoodie down and shook out her blonde hair. The goal was to draw attention from Alistaire. Judging by how the jock's head cocked slightly to the side as he slowed his walk, a dopey yet creepy smile curling across his face, it worked. "Omigod, Tirry, glad you made it! Let's go catch up, boys!" Morella said, bubbly and warm, as she hooked the arms of the two prospective Huntsmen with her own and dragged them away, down and around the corner to get away from the jock, who shook his head and went back to talking on the phone. While she kept the bright smile, she said very coldly under her breath, "Don't say anything till we get [i]this[/i] guy," nodding to Alistair, "Away from [i]that[/i] guy," nodding back to the jock, who'd resigned to checking out the girls in the corner while talking with his girlfriend. Morella figured if she'd just walked away with him, the big guy would've still followed, and she didn't feel like taking part in a fight or watching a fight take place. --- [center]~Oliver Kootz~ /M\ /MMM\[/center] Oliver bowed upside down as she clapped, and breathed a sigh of relief as she took the sandbag from atop the kazoo. He tossed the remaining sandbags up as he unhooked his feet and gently landed on the railing, catching them and placing them back in his satchel, doing the same with the kazoo. "Why can't I be both?" he asked with a chuckled, adding, "Eh, I don't like seeing people sad, is all." He stood on his hands on the railing, flipping sideways and catching himself so he hung upside down next to her. He gave a wave, saying, "Oliver Kootz, nice to meet'cha," with a grin. He looked to her bag, asking, "That's everything you've got? No spare clothes or anything?" he asked, concerned. [i]Hell, I don't have much either, but at least I got a storage crate of stuff from the fam.[/i] he thought, figuring her weapon was in the bag too. Most other people had large ones, so he wondered what hers was. Of course, his was basically a glove, not very large either, and resting in his own bag, so he guessed hers didn't have to be a large one either.