Lucio wasn't entirely sure what to expect with getting the arrow taken out. The one thing he had expected was pain. Which was the only thing there hadn't been. It was odd and not the most pleasant sensation he had ever felt. But it hadn't hurt. It didn't take too long at all for the whole thing to happen and once it was done the wound was healed. The battle seemed to be over, so this time Lucio did bow. "Thank you, milady." He said with a grin. The turned his attention to Aldred. He wasn't interested in the interrogation part that much. There were more ways than one to get people talking, and Lucio personally didn't like this one. He shrugged when Aldred asked if anybody knew how to handle force fields. "Sorry magic isn't my thing." The closest thing to magic that Lucio could do was use his charisma and words to charm people. But that was pure skill and not some fancy mind trick. He didn't have anything against magic, he just personally didn't know how to use it, or understand it. He grinned when Aldred and the grumpy assassin lady 'insulted' each other. It was so flirting though. "I ship it!" He said loudly when the two of them stopped for a moment. "I think we all know what those two will be doing tonight." Ah causing trouble and making people laugh. His two favorite things to do. Other than sing, play music, and dance of course. But, you know, a person had to have their hobbies. He was carefully eying the two, ready for any weapons, spells, shoes, bottles, live animals, or anything to thrown at him. He had really seen it all in his line of work.