Jagrid was served his mead alongside a generous plate of roasted beef, specially cooked for him by good old Heidrek. He started to drink from his mead mug and used forks to slice the beef, he was barbaric in a sense in battle, but his Cadium Empire upbringing made sure he had decorum on the table. He moved his arm, the fork pierced a cube of roasted beef, chewing it with delicate speed. The breakfast was good, Jack is getting nagged by the house blacksmith, Christoth. They talked about enchanting armors and the like, Jagrid nodded his head when Jack suggested him to maybe try out some enchanted armors, "O' course, whenever I'm free." Moments later the redhead warrior approached the table and sat next to Jagrid, now finally seeing his face and recognizing him, it was his old Order companion, he had done a few hunts with him before. Silus Drakos. "Times been good, the hunts better and harder by the weeks," Jagrid took a drink from his mead mug and asked for refill from a passing Order guardsman, "Ahh that damned Orc, I enjoyed tearing him in half and delivering each to the Empire and the Order, they thought I had gone mad. "But yeah I did get paid, generously, and I did spend it well on my lovely family back in Dragon Tail. So tell me, looks like [i]you[/i] are our appointed captain after all!"