Cooper went into wriggles of delight at being petted, giving Kalinda a chance to calm herself. It would have been so easy to simply lean in and kiss him. She could hear her heart pounding, and it made her breathing shallow and fast. So she just focused on calming herself, and smiled slightly at Cooper. "He'll expect you to pat him for hours now" She said, with amusement, but it died away as she looked back to Michael. "The trouble with guilt is that it doesn't like to let you go and I've never been good at it" She bit her lip, "What if I had never decided to come back, what if I'm never ready? What if I freak out again, and leave? What if, right now there's a bunch of agents or whatever from whoever is the leader of the spies, or even Fury himself wanting to keep this quite surrounding the house, to either kill us, or make sure we can tell anyone about the corruption in S.H.I.E.L.D? Which means I've endangered you and I should probably just..." She trailed off, and shook her head. "I'm a mess and I don't see that improving"