--------------------------------------------------------- [b][i]~~~~~~Hollow Bastion / Sewers~~~~~~[/i][/b] The magic was like a solid wall between the machines and the Unbound pair in front of them. Their powerful lunges just caused the creatures to slam with all their might into the force-field, yet still even with the cracked lines that ran along some of their steel jaws and the bent bubbles of soft iron that made up their patchwork of skin, they still tried desperately to claw and bite through the shimmering wall between them and their prey. The sudden shrinkage of the wall being quickly followed by Asuka’s immediate lunge was more than enough to take the more damaged of the Metalwolves by surprise. The sheer force from the young woman broke through the head of the machine like an eggshell, the chunks of metal and dark tiny gears which made up its skull spewing everywhere, most rolling into the sewer water as the now headless body stuttered wildly before falling against the closest wall like the lifeless hunk of metal it now was. While the sight of the creature’s sudden end would have been unnerving, it was the actions of the remaining machines that would have been even worse. All attention on Asuka and Trisean had now been replaced by the body of the Metalwolf, to which now all others suddenly now flocked towards like vultures, their large claws and teeth tearing the form apart chunks at a time. Whatever they were doing within this huddle was clearly quite vicious to those looking on from the outside, yet still their entire attention was on this single action, and possible to go on for a short time longer. The rumbling of the massive beast that went onward with its cargo though could still be heard, even if it was more fading echoes. [b][i]~~~~~~Hollow Bastion / Main Street - Bastion Castle~~~~~~[/i][/b] The ride through the streets of Hollow Bastion was rather uneventful for Nomis and his young nephew. Though there was the occasional act of rebellion from those who knew the occupants of the vehicle, in the form of angry shouts and pelts of rocks at the vehicle as it drove by, nothing seemed too important to stir Nomis and open his eyes, his right hand tapping his finger on the armrest as if in great thought. When it did happen though, it wasn’t calmly or with a smirk, the sudden shake and jitter of his body was more akin to waking from a deep dream or nightmare. “What in all the worlds was that…?!” Nomis spoke quietly to himself, his eyes wildly moving side to side as if not seeing just empty space in the vehicle itself, but something that shouldn’t have been possible, another face. Closing his eyes as the vehicle began to slow down, it having reached its destination of the castle’s inner walls, the older man remained still, like that of a statue, only the faintest hint of breathing still noticeable as his face soon started to form an incredibly enraged look. “Why…why now of all days…?!” Said Nomis to himself once more, his voice raising just now above an internal whisper as his door was soon opened to the waiting maid standing ready. It was as if everyone there was blocked out of sight for the man at the moment, after leaving the vehicle and making his way along the stone clad path towards the large metal doors of the castle, he continued to mumble to himself, the grip on his cane tightening as well as the now angry pounding of the sturdy object on the hard ground with every second step he took. “It doesn’t matter…it’s too late now for him to act…” Angrier and angrier he grew as the image of the white haired man with the group of kids continued to play over and over through his mind, the faint rumbles on the large door of the castle only now growing worse. The moment he placed his palm against its cold surface though did the shaking increase even more, the man stopping himself from actually forcing it open like always, as faint but clearly deep dark vein like lines began to spread up into sight around his neck and cheeks. “It’s too late for all of them!!” That rage filled roar from the man was quickly accompanied by the immensely loud crash of metal, the large door of the castle swinging wide as if a Darkside itself had opened it. Though it remained still fastened to its mighty hinges, and the walls themselves stayed whole, the sheer sight of the action was truly monstrously frightening to see. “Have them begin preparations at once!! I will not let him interfere any more!” Nomis continued to roar, the maids that still stood like statues waiting for word from the man himself, only now bowing as they turned and took off for some places throughout the castle that they seemed to know already.