Name: Haru Age: 17 Gender: male Appearance: [img=] the blonde haired one Personality: (I'll put this soon) Ability: [url=]Weapon Proficiency[/url] Bio: Haru and his brother Hakuno never really lived exciting lives, because they just did petty thievery to get by after their parents abandoned them and they had to live on their own. Of course, they stole so much that they were going to be put in prison when they were given the option to sign up for the experiments, which they agreed to. Name: Hakuno Age: 16 Gender: Appearance: he's the dark haired one in the pic. Personality: (I'll put this soon) Ability: [url=]Adoptive Muscle Memory[/url] Bio: He's Haru's twin brother, so their pasts are pretty much the same. I'll finish this soon.