As Erion saw the other guy enter and going to confront those demons, he growled at this. Seriously.... why the heck would he just blow our cover like that. Where was the element of surprise. When the guy actually shot and missed completely, it made him feel as if things would go even worst from there are the demon laughed at the puny shot that the guy just did. Erion shook his head and entered quickly, before throwing a light bolt at the demon, hoping that this would actually hurt him. Seriously, it was a demon, so naturally light should hurt it... right? Well.... what he saw was more like his attack hitting, but making the demon just flinch slightly in surprise by the sudden attack. For him, it felt as if it was a mosquito bite, which seriously did not do much to that demon. Great... Erion had to go and enter a fight with something that was way stronger then him. And god knows how this was going to end badly. The business demon then formed fire in his hands, which made Erion flinch from the sighed. "Annoying pests.... Say hi to death from me." the demon then says. Suddenly the demon started to throw jets of fire towards him and the other guy's, making Erion scream in pain from this, using his other kind of magic to form a slight barrier to protect himself, only to feel the same heat around him, making him fall on the ground, his cloth having burnt marks on them. Erion was still conscious, but extremely week, unable to do much then use just a bit of magic, which would probably not do anything right now seeing how he was easily beaten by that fire. Why oh god why did he even decide to go and fight against a demon like this.... It was one of the stupidest idea he ever had, that might actually end his life. But he knew he had to survive... he had to find a way though.