Glad to see the response :) Spirit just won't be revealed right now (lol) as I want it to be a secret but one could easily guess. SilentWings: the story takes place literally right after the destruction of Fife. There are three parts of the story and three different ages. The first of course being 11, the second being 16, and the third being 21. It will go quick, so no worries about a 150 page rp...after all, I have an ending, and I want everyone to stay for it. I can't stress that enough, but I will: I want people that will stay with the rp, it's not too late to back out! If you're a player that LOVES 150 page rp's, then that's fantastic, because there may or may not be a sequel. I tend to keep my rps 'open' which means, even though I may have a complete story, I want the actions and choices of the players to affect it. The original story maybe changed, but ultimately it will still roughly come out to be the intended story (after all, there is that 'fate' thing mentioned in my original post). At any rate, I am happy to see the interest in it, and I'll be checking in throughout the day to see if we fill up on players. Oh, one more thing I forgot to mention in my first post (and I'm kicking myself for it), I will be pming each one of you heavily. Why? The powers are inert and inactive for the most part. You will receive queues from me telling you when is the right time to do 'this' or to do 'that,' or you may even receive a 'request' from me, asking you to do something that you normally would not do. This is one way to keep the story on the right path, and for a more interesting experience. Also, everything you do does have an impact in the story (you have free will, but the forces of nature may not be so kind) AND everything in the story has an impact on YOU/r character (see what I did there?). Any questions?