Naomi was either depressingly serious, or seriously funny, the second one probably unintentional. She also had major survivor's guilt, and had just said god was fucking retarded, which was pretty amazing, and also agreeable. He was heavily hurt by her last comment though. "I'd never even think of it, Naomi." He said with a frown. Sure, he teased her, a lot, but he'd never molest her or anything. "As much as I like ritualistic suicide, we probably should leave here, this place is makin' me feel weird, and not in the good way." Yosuke said, eyes darting around the room nervously. He walked towards the door, but noticed a scrap of newspaper stapled to the wall. He speed read it, before pointing it out to Naomi. "Hey, check this out, we're in "Heavenly Host" apparently. Someone got murdered here or something? Whatever, let's just get out of this room." He said before exiting the room. Yosuke stepped out into the dark hallway, the floorboards creaking under years of stress. He looked around the hallway. The paint was chipped and eroding, like it had rained inside the school somehow, and there were holes in the floor, some actually pretty big. There was no way they were going to be able to jump it with them supporting each other. "Hey, Naomi, why didn't you kill me?" Yosuke asked suddenly, wondering aloud why, if she was a serial killer as guessed, she hadn't ended his life? He was a jerk most of the time, and he was pretty sure she hated his guts or something. "Just never got around to it?"