Azazel watched and listened carefully as the woman ushered for them to make their escape, speaking in a somewhat broken english. "Demon?" He asked, slightly puzzled as to what she meant. But his question was swiftly answered as the hulking creature descended from the thicket above, landing heavily on the ground with a low thud. The beast slowly rose it's head, a snarl escaping its fanged maw as it laid it's gaze upon the woman. Seconds felt like minutes as a dead silence enshrouded them for a few moments. Then, in an explosion of stimuli, the beast sprung toward them, flying through the air with it's shadow rushing across the ground. The aggressive hiss of a near by tangle of shrubs followed suit, as a second creature appeared from the rear, throwing it's ample, monstrous form at Azazel. Once again reflexes took over. Only this time, the pulled him dash across the ground and slide over the dirt and grass, stopping just in front of the girl. The two beasts were almost on top of them now, their two massive bodies hurtling through the air, closing the distance in seconds. All seemed bleak until a strange dark glow began to leak from Azazel's eyes. "Stay down!" The wiry shadows that writhed on the ground below shot up instantaneously in a flurry of black tendrils. The shadows had risen to envelope Azazel and the voodoo woman, spawning from the dark shell a innumerable amount of obsidian colored spikes as long as jousting lances and longer. The spikes shot up from the ground and out of the tree's for several dozen yards, viciously impaling everything and quickly reducing the surrounding tree's to chunks of splintered wood. The spikes appeared from above and below and reached out in every direction until the area was completely filled, turned into a forest of voidish black in a matter of seconds. The sounds made by the roiling shadows were like the voices of a hundred ghosts wailing in agony. The tendrils aimed in particular at the beasts while in mid leap, appearing where they would land.