Madame Katherine Evangeline Greywind Stats:Assets(5), Power(0), Production(5), Influence (4), Charm(2) As Lanc silently tapped his own vote on the table's checkboxes, Katherine tallied the votes. "2 opposed, 1 abstention (Lanc), 2 in support plus the proposer counted in matters of a tie. The motion carries, the worker's league will be implemented with all due process." She announced with slight smugness. She hadn't had to do anything yet, and already she was achieving several of her goals. The council was split, the socialists forced to deal with the reality that half of the council did not support their aims, and that if they intended to get more of their agenda passed, they needed her vote to get around the knight and magus. "Onto more current issues before proposing further law: our government's expenses. Namely the matter of paying the wages of the militia and our power bills. Union Laborworks will foot some of the bill to Madame Vol, but I can't foot all the burden of government on my own." [i]Nor do you want Madame Vol to think I'm the only one she can count on to be reliable.[/i]