Hey, got another CS for a ridiculous character: [b][u]CS[/u][/b] [b]Appearance base picture:[/b]  [hider=Roswell's human appearance] [img= http://www.zentaicharm.com/images/v/201204/b/13351733435.jpg] [/hider] [hider2=Alien appearance][img= http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140914150332/gugurekokkuri-san/images/c/c5/257879.jpg ] [/hider2] [b]Appearance base notes(optional):[/b] [b]English Name:[/b] Roswell Gray [b]Zeta Reticulan Name:[/b] Spiarmf Mycaruba [b]Age:[/b] 16 Earth years [b]Role:[/b] Sophomore (or second year) transfer student [b]Short Bio:[/b] The Zeta Reticulans are an alien species.  Their society is utopian, and everyone goes about their lives with a sense of satisfaction and superiority over the less fortunate, less developed species in the galaxy.  Spiarmf lived a somewhat aimless, delinquent life after completing his mandatory education and wanted to see the universe before getting stuck in a career for the rest of his life. However, his mischievous nature would get him in trouble; he was caught making crop circles on Earth by the local authorities, the proverbial 'Men in Black'.  Since the crop circle designs are actually Zeta Reticulan words for various unspeakable profanities and racial slurs against humans, Spiarmf was charged with intergalactic vandalism, graffiti and hate speech.  The Zeta Reticulan government was contacted and Spiarmf was sentenced to fulfill community service by aiding the local human authorities in their efforts to manage the alien population on Earth and keep their existence a secret to the humans.  Spiarmf, now going by the name, "Roswell", was assigned to watch over Libertyville, which was known for high levels of alien activity, the high school in particular, so Roswell transferred in, disguised as a human. [b]Personality:[/b] Roswell has an air of refined superiority about him but is actually very rude and crass.  He feels humans are inferior and belittles others every chance he gets.  He is remorseless and unrepentant as he does not consider his actions towards humans as crimes, but he is surprisingly duty-bound and will try his best to fulfill his missions. Mainly because he can't leave Earth until he has fulfilled a "satisfactory amount" of community service. [b]Notable skills and powers:[/b] Healing touch Telekinesis Pewpew Ray Gun (TM) Standard issue Memory-b-Gone (TM) Flying Saucer Handheld anal probe [b]Other:[/b]